Saturday, August 04, 2007

dont say to win votes

The Malays are trained from young not to run down a person's character without facts. In the fight to get into positions of power, they conveniently forget the basic roles they were taught young. Likewise for the deputy UMNO youth chief to forget it, he sounds really hollow to me though with his degree from Oxford. Education in UK university doesnt make him a good man. He has fallen into the traps of power, greed, deception, etc. I pity him for not realizing what he did or say. I should pity the rest of the UMNO leaders(MCA, MIC the rest of the coalition partners too) When the foundation is not built on solid ground, it will collapse when strong wind is blowing or stomping hard on the surrounding areas(like heavy laden lorries)

Anwar, Khairy, and Bloggers (and Kalimullah?).
“Anwar is a puppet of the United States and the Jews, thus he must be hounded until there is no more place for him to run to."
Khairy reported in the Star newspaper

Critically, Anwar is still the best bet for the country. For the morons in the UMNO, they use tax payers' money to woo the voters. Every election or buy election, there are goodies rolled out in their speeches. And projects or requests will get the due attention so quickly that the people just get hooked up nicely...........Now the PM announced projects to help the poor. Eradicate poverty by 2010!! Look at it. Today is 2007. 7 months had gone in 2007. He thinks he can eradicate poverty by 2010......he just sleeping. Projects and reality are two different waves. It takes years to wipe out poverty amongst the races. He had announced so many mega projects..............because he wants to call for an election. I see he will not do it this year. He has to go until 2009. From there he can feel whether his eradication of the poor people is achieved.

Malaysia are you ready to rock and roll?

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