Monday, August 06, 2007

proton never learns

What proton trying to do? Putting its new baby in a box and asking people to peep in it. This teaser carries too long to achieve its objective. Selling cars. The company wants to bring new car to the market. Give one teaser in ads or in TV by the next day the car should roll out to capture the market. By doing this nonsense teaser I feel Proton is signing its own death warrant. New car in a 'coffin' parading for people to say 'goodbye' Most people had 90% assumption how this new proton will be looked like. In the blogs enough computer generated look of the new car. So by prolonging its teaser in the market, other car companies will jump over the I pity Proton again. Last I read 200 bookings made. It never sounds immensely popular yet. Proton will produce initial 2,000 cars which I dont see the confidence in the top management. In other words when the company launches the car in August 15, the company doesnt expect many bookings to come on its launch. Or I am totally wrong here?

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