Thursday, October 04, 2007


As reported in The Star the country has over 60,000 Bangladeshis and over 1.84 million other races working in the country. But as reported in the main stream newspapers there are over 2.0-2.5 Indonesians employed in the country. So I suspect the statistics shouldnt be correct to reflect the true figure of foreigners in the country. I am not talking about other races coming in as foreign students in our colleges and universities. It is thought that the Indonesians will increase to about 5.0 million by the time the super corridors are fully in gears (MIER estimated about 5.0 million Indonesian workers in the country) The country should have proper collecting of statistics so that proper mapping can be carried out in times of hostility. A country shouldnt be caught napping on her own shore. The government agencies (Police, Customs, Immigrations) know the entry points for the illegals to arrive yet the agencies never take serious view of the illegals entering the country through these landing strips. Don't we smell a rat here? They know yet they dont take serious action on the entry points for these illegals. They know too about these foreigners coming on tourist visas and doing something else. Like the case of China Dolls on tourist visas then employed as GRO entertaining male clients for something else. The agencies have the statistics.....and they should ask them some questions before stamping on their passports. If they can't answer, detain them for questioning to find the truth. BUT I FORGET THIS IS BOLIHLAND WHERE EVERYTHING CAN HAPPEN for a price. Will the BN government tell the truth at all? It digs so many potholes and now the glaring holes can be seen miles around........yet the prime minister and his pet dogs never seem to notice it all.

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