Tuesday, October 02, 2007


How many bull eyes one can get in a life time?
Many or perhaps 3 you may think
Love life, girlfriends and boyfriends
Businesses and silly strikes

Every one tries to hit a bull eye
On the way life bestows on it
Dreaming about a good life
It isn’t easy when one is lazy

If ask around
Every one thinks of luck sometimes
It is said it is gazette in the stars
So one tends to believe

Then again there is silly strike
Like I did trying to make myself useful
Take a power drill starting drilling holes
In the beginning feeling good at it
One hole to another
Thinking I got the hang of it
Then wham! I hit the strike
I drilled a hole right through the water pipe
How’s that for making one useful?

I stood there looking so silly
I got myself in a little mess
For wanting to be handy
I turned out how silly I became
Of doing manual work
I haven’t done for years

So sent SOS
To my regular plumber cum electrician
He promised to check for me
When he finishes his work

How’s that for a bull eye?
A silly mistake I made
Trying to make myself useful
I got into a little mess

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