Thursday, June 02, 2016

life in a wheel

Life is up and down
The wheel of fortune
When we are in tune
Everything will fall nicely
We don't have to worry
But we all know
There is always a downside
Of life in everyone
This is where the test of faith
It comes to play in our lives

We know it
We read and see
How many enjoy
How many live in misery
How many give it up
Jump from the bridge or building
Drown in the river or hang by a tree

We have a choice
It is the gift we have
The good of it or the bad
It is our decision to make
Sometimes we may not have
Somebody will knife us in
Somebody will give a judgement
Our lives are lost without our choice
But life is up and down
We have to stay in tune of our environment

Life is up and down
The wheel of fortune
The wheel of bad times
We will live by it
We mustn't give it up
It is a test of faith
How we make our choices
In our lives in the wheel

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