Thursday, April 06, 2017

the tall trees and its shade

The tall trees stand
On both sides of the road
The rising sun punishing rays
The tree leaves and branches
Make the shades

The motorists on the drive
The tiring eyes should stay alert
On the rising glow of the sun
The trees shade make its day
The motorists have no say

The trees shade may make your forget
As you cruise along the road of shades
The light and dark shades will blind a while
The drivers shouldn't lose focus but concentrate

The tall trees stand
On both sides of the road
The motorists will welcome it
It makes the sun angry
Staring at the leaves and branches wide

But the motorists drive on
Leaving the tall trees and its shade
A short cool shade under the hot sun
The leaves wave drive on safely
The sun spins its rays heating up the road

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