Friday, March 07, 2025

the bad ways to enrich it



It can crawl into any place

In political parties, companies and people

All because of money enriching short cuts

Praying every time

Believing good deeds going to heaven

Yet in facing money

The eyes and minds collapse

Granted many want easy life

No sweat in getting the wealth

By the bad ways many enrich it

Macc only wait for report

Corruption isn't easy to let go

It is a short-cut way to riches

Even Macc too have the fair share

The bad ways to enrich it

the police should act


Talking bad of other religion

It has to stop immediately

It only brings discord in the nation

The police shouldn't wait and see

It has happened now

These preachers have sinned full time

They can say what they want to do

God deeds no need others to help

Many police report lodged

Yet the police never investigate

They keep the files and ignore

The bad preachers getting it on

Even Am I See brings it up again

The bad preachers behavior

The police should take action

Don't think of race and religion

Thursday, March 06, 2025

learn the mistake start living


A disgrace mustn't be for life

The affected person should stand high

Cry as he likes but learn the mistakes

As he walks to his destination

The broken dreams may die

As his life has taken a bad turn

It isn't necessarily the end

It is still a learning curve

The game isn't over

There's still hill to climb

Throw the misery away

Brushed away tears start living

A disgrace mustn't be for life

Stomach the gossips and backlashes

Think ahead shift the base

Learn the mistake start living

make no mistake on house arrest


Renaissance man

Make no mistake

If you ever try

To find ways

Let MO1 stay at home

It will be your own downfall

So far you are crowing about it

House Arrest Bill

What's the purpose?

Soley to keep your post?

Now it is said

The Home Minister can declare

Any home or place for house arrest

AGC seems to come to this conclusion

Suddenly it is?

Renaissance man

Walk with eyes open

Don't play a fool game

You will lose in the poll

the story of $170 million


The turtle man

Shake up his brain

Finding a story to tell

Macc will listen to his tale

The display of $170 million

Bundled up in different currencies

What will the story be?

I have no idea?”

The cash in safe homes

Macc raided and found

What will the story say?

Corruption is the way

His former 4 personal officers

They couldn't have gotten it for themselves

They may have told Macc

The turtle man needs his long tale

get Macc on the hound


Renaissance man

Get ahead with the gong

Make the sound loud and clear

Corruption has no place to stay

Get Macc on the hound

Get the bad guys milking the nation dry

Don't let them off through DNAA

It serves no purpose in your call

Now corruption still running

Glowing to the corrupt

Cause Macc still waiting for reports

They should have gone to the ground

Look at their physical assets

Bank accounts and statements

Cronies and family members

Something should light up to see

Renaissance man

Don't let the sound die

The nation can't afford any leakages

Wasting her resources for nothing

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

don't be too greedy


The ploy on MC

He needs to hatch his story

He has to do it

Tomorrow he has to face his nightmare

He was in hospital

For a few days ago

Now he is on MC

Still can't find his story

Macc shouldn't let him go

$170 million in cash in glow

This isn't a child play

It was hatched and runners did

The story on turtle man

Karma is always a bitch

Don't be too greedy

We will not see the potholes

on corruption and 2R game


Everyday we hear

On corruption and 2R game

Nothing seems to change

The menu still stays

On 2R Renaissance man stays cool

He will not say much on it

Even the DJ antics

He hardly makes his stand

The chameleon colors

Changes in every turn

He needs to have his backbone

Control the narrative on play

Though he talks a lot on corruption

The turtle man on Macc watch list

It hits the news in social media

Who could believe he would do it?

The nation on the news

One apple too many worms

Cultivation in the back door

Now slowly hits the gong

DJ antics


DJ antics

In Tiktok scene

They showed lack of sensitivity

Of NM religious faith

What have gone into their minds?

Bad influences bad education

This is the product we have seen today

The Old Man can't hide his face

God wants him to see

Why he can't go yet

The policy he did

Now the end product to cry

Renaissance man too

He can't escape his blame

He was part of it during those years

He knew what is wrong in education

DJ antics

Apology isn't the way

They need to be fined or jailed

Causing disharmony in our nation