Thursday, October 17, 2024

you need only one success


Play the game

Let nobody claim

It is a cheat or a sin

Don't listen to the crap

You go out to play

A life of fun games to stay happy

Sometimes you need to be brave

Running into a different route

Obstacles are many

It will define how you cut it

Be dominant or stay clueless

Afraid to handle situation

Play the game

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

The more you are rejected

The more smart and adventurous you will become

There is always a truth

You need one success of many failures

It will make you feel great and free

It is the break to make you known

corruption run


Corruption run

Across race and boundaries

Renaissance man has no clues

He can only talk without action

The Cabinet members

All should take up the challenges

Do not just listen in meeting

The affirmative actions in drowsy sleep

Corruption run

A powerful connection involved

Otherwise why it hasn't stopped?

The agency only waiting for calls

Wihout all the equipments and personnel

Corruption still run its course

Because of powerfu cables

Catching the culprits will stay low

the floods catching us


The floods

It doesn't forget its routine

Every year it will come a calling

We can shout and ringing

The government can sleep on it

Slow actions even the officials can see

Talking of floods mitigation projects has been for decades

The people are all worried

Every time of heavy downpour

Raining down into their minds

Oh the floods again!”

It doesn't matter where

Cities or towns or villages

The floods will make its routine calling

We can shout and ringing

the fat cats


The fat cats

Too much good living

They can't catch the rats

They don't have the skills

To chase to get their names

Upon the lips of many

The fat cats rather stay

Dreaming it all by playing hand-phones

Ringing in their minds

Of the easy living it ensures

Leaving the rats

Running into many easy passages

As the security has lapsed

The fat cats sleeping on their watch

As they live in a good life

The rats can roam

Knowing the routes to take and hide

Give some crumbs here and there

Every gateway will be opened

They can dance at will on streets or drains

The fat cats only yawn

Too tired to get into gears

They wait from upstairs to call

On report of many rats running

They just wait and wait and wait

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

don't learn it from your Boss


Home Minister

Go and do your work

Why stay in office?

When your departments

Never do the right way

You want Malaysiakini for answers

It is its code of confidentiality

Malaysiakini can't simply say ok

We will supply our contacts”

You have the units in your disposal

Use them to find the big fishes involved

Do not show fear or favor in your probe

Go down to the ground and talk to your officers

They will tell you in confidentiality

You can form your own valuation and take actions

Home Minister

Try to knock out the back door appointment

You are given a higher post though you lost in election

Show to us you can do a better job than it is now

So far you aren't showing us your ability to work on it

Don't learn it from your Boss learn it from the ground

no need to pamper to a race


Don't go the wrong way

The country will lose

In economy and wealth

When others forget to invest

Renaissance man

Going backwards in his actions

The nation is secular

Don't try to change her character

Using and passing laws for religion

Upsurping the power of the King

Renaissance man

Let 2R stay at home

Stake high the economy

Let 2R stay in the background

No need to pamper to a race

Learn to race to the top

the mind in painting strokes


The waves from the sea

Gathering in unity unleashed on the beach

The painting of watery brushes

All the eyes can see

The hits and runs sequences

The imagination of the scores

The rolling waves keep at it

Unleashed its whispering roar

The mind in painting strokes

The bold and soft paint works

The ingenuity of imagination

The calmness, serenity and quiet breezes

The maestro of the blowing wind

High and low the waves move in unity

Cashing it hard on the beach coast-line

The rising splashes ebbing flow

The mind flow of imagination

Listening to the rolling waves

The wind stay true in its form

The bold and soft painting strokes

the deals in politics


The deals behind the scene

It shouldn't be talked about in podcast

It shows lack of courtesy and value

It shows lack of political will

Those years ago

It was agreed to form

Nothing would have to be let out

Even in later years of its duration

The leaders involved kept it quiet

The entourage in the score

They too should respect the decision

Why want to share it?

The politician shows lack of trust

Is he trying to put a screw in between?

The formation of unity has been concluded

Everyone agrees it is the best game of play

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

maybe a spy in the crocodile party


The party wolf chief

He plays his game well

He can fight it out

The losers will bow to him

He must have planned ahead

Something his brother doesn't say

By joining the crocodile party

Maybe a planted spy into the swampy pond

On outside it may look

His brother isn't supporting him

The party of the wolves will not lose

A man who has no connection in ground base

Though crocodiles will publicize him

Letting their members know the outcome

The brother of the wolf party chief goes opposition

As if it is something new in politics

But isn't news worthy

The siblings in the family may not agree

The different approaches and ideology

The crocodiles shouldn't open mouth too easily

the midnight rain


The midnight rain rattles the mind

The sound keeps ringing in slow beats

It wakes up the sleeping pattern

As if to say angels are playing their music

The sparks of lightning

In the midnight dark sky

The mad witches aren't flying

It's only the midnight rain

In the cities of neons light

The midnight owls aren't sleeping

They are in high gears to parties

Bottom up drinks, songs and women and men

The midnight gay living

The angels will try to say

Nobody will heed the call

They are all drowning in the fire

The walls of lightings

The blast of music on the beats

The gay living in full swing

Only angels will cry

The midnight rain rattles the mind

Outside on the streets

The drivers cruising in the rain

Sleep can wait only angels will cry

Drowning in the fire

Of drinks, music, women and men

Nothing else matters in gay living

Only angels will cry

when you are alone and broke

When you are alone and broke

Nobody will remember you

You will stay alone in this chaotic world

You can sit and remembering what it was

It is the uncut dilemma living in it

Once you have the power and money

Nothing seemed to get wrong

Move your fingers somebody will do

They will call you “Boss”

It will ring in the walk of power

But your name seems to be forgotten

You don't mind it at all

It is when the trapping is gone

No power no money

You will become nothing

But a shelf of self pity or forgotten

When you go through life

Learn to live in hope and positive values

Take the negatives and throw it away

It will cause a burden to get going

the country corruption


The country corruption

It will not be so easily uprooted

It is like sand shifting through the net

Flooded with water it will all disappear

By the time the agency looks at it

It will be an empty net of some sand particles

Nothing much to collect for evidence

The covering up will do the job

The agency shouldn't wait for report

They should be on the ground and monitor

Find out who are the persons living beyond their income

Zoom it on them and find the loopholes

The culprits will sing

They will spin their tales

Eventually they will see the truth

Shielding someone isn't worth the prize