Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gaza war


Gaza war

Tens of thousands died

Many fled across the border

Properties destroyed land wasted

Blame it on Hamas

The leaders stayed away

Only the runners did the work

Causing pain and misery to Gaza

Israel has done her revenge

It is time to pull back

She has said her point

Now no need to pursue

ICJ condemned the attacks

Gaza laid to waste with tens of thousands died

Only Hamas leaders still hiding in nearby countries

Israel assassins should focus on these Hamas leaders

Enough of causing pain in Gaza

Israel should pull back her troops

Both side should see the result

Nobody gains in this conflict

deep in the hollow


Deep in the hollow

Don't let it sink further

Crawl out to see the light

It isn't too late to change direction

The deep hollow

Only one way down

Burying own folly

Greed and power game

The fissures crack

Smoke will hurt the eyes

The bad smell for the nose

The mind will scream to change

Deep in the hollow

The leaders should realize

It is a one way down to bad

It is better crawl out to soak in the sun

let the malays find how to fish in the seas


Somebody says

Don't spoon feed the Malays

Let them find how to fish in the seas

They will appreciate it in all honesty

Will Renaissance man do it?

He dares not spook his race

Afraid he will lose their support

He should study the elections result

He spent so much

Yet he didn't get his returns

His race laughed at him

They played their drama to fool him

Renaissance man shouldn't play his game

Let his race find their way to be successful

He doesn't need to give them a leg up

Let them compete to make them strong

As it is now he might lose it all

Even the non-Muslims may give him up

Is it the way he wanted it?

Focus on his race for support?

Renaissance man should focus on reforms

It is the way forward for him and nation

It is a secular nation and it should stay that way

Don't try to change the identity of the Constitution

Friday, July 26, 2024

the puppet man


The puppet man

On the strings all the time

He can't run away

Even if he tries

He has his life

Stringing up high

Every movement he can't deny

He's the puppet man

On stage he will look

Like a king or prince or journeyman

He can fill his heart contents

Living the puppet life

Nobody will feel sorry

If he is in the box or cage

Lying there dreaming

Wanting to be free

The puppet man

He has no way to escape

He can dream and hope

But his life is on the strings

the wolves should change


The wolves crying

There will be no sympathy

They had their chances

They didn't buy it in

Till today

Still harping on MO1

Nothing seems to move on

The man already in prison

The corruption in his life

The wolves should learn and move on

The top judges found him guilty

Let him stay in prison for good

The wolves should change

The way they conduct their affairs

The bullying tactics must stop

It will not get them votes

Forget about MO1

Clean up the bad elements

Take out a clean sheet

Start from the basic again

the Rocket leaders


The Rocket leaders

The fire in amber

The mode of slow

The cylinders stay low

Yet the wolves

Keep howling at it

The Rocket they see

Joining forces keeping a distance

The decades of past history

The leaders should move on

Together in unity government

But the wolves still can't take it

The wolves still harping on 2R

Nothing seems to change

Though the party lost badly

They don't see reality

The Rocket leaders

Don't stay behind the scene

Time to shout back

With cylinders blasting

thinking as one race


The leaders like Ku Li

Harping on 2R all the time

This is the reason

Why their race always afraid

Go out to mix and stay united

Learn how to stand on their own

Don't be afraid to compete

Forget about feeding spoons

It will not bring them high

As long as they still harp on 2R

The world is changing

So are the fate of leaders

They can't be spinning

All about race and religion

The economy will fall

They even don't know how to fix it

Still dreaming on spoon feeding

It is time to see

The grand picture

The nation needs

Every race thinking as one

Bring up the economy

Stay united to progress

Forget about 2R

It doesn't help the nation to grow

The leaders like Ku Li

Living in the old

Time they should bow out

Let the new leaders walk on stage

Thinking as one race

the power of the people


Power crazy

The living of bad vibrations

Coming in to stop the flow

The freedom of growth

The bad leaders

Finding ways to stay

Using power as a tool

Suppressing criticisms at will

The weak leaders

Using power to stay on

The tools at their disposal

They aren't pushing it away

The people have to check

Hiding it away will not help

The crazy leaders will not compromise

They want power to rise

The power of the people

Unleashed it for the good

Do not fall for the fear

It is what power could do

Thursday, July 25, 2024

the wolves never learn


The wolves

All along refuse to learn

Losing in votes

Yet still stay arrogant

In unity government

The wolves should agree

Allowing coalition partners to campaign

It isn't about 100% Malay voters

It is about partnership

In that score the wolves refuse

In one seat in Kelantan

The wolves ask partners not to interfere

Kelantan is the crocodile base

Though the state is poor

Yet the voters don't care or see

But their children migrate to earn

This is the reality

The wolves shouldn't be haunty

The Kelantan voters may not like it

Stay humble not dreaming of past glory

a mall is set to close shop


A mall is set to close shop

The years of serving to 2R

It has got nothing but losses

It finally has to sleep for good

A business model on 2R

It will not survive in the long term

It is always about pricing, services and location

Using religion to compete will not succeed

Lord Jesus doesn't allow places of worship

Surrounded by stalls or other types of businesses

Religion is a holy way to a person to pray or meditate

Not indulging of buying or window shopping

The mall operator finds it hard to compete

In business is about competition

It is a hard knock in business life

If we don't know about business learn it well

as it stands today he isn't high


Hang on people

Don't start to lose hope

Renaissance man still trying

Working it out in his slow time

He has 3 years to make it

The reforms he wants to perform

Though we may not see now

In time he has to show us

He has to know his score

If he can't keep his promises

He will not get to keep his post

His party will lose badly too

This is his reality

Trying to please on a single entry

The equation will not sound good

The fall will be heavy and unkind

Hang on people

A change in unity coalition

It takes a leader of true grit

To soak in the reforms

Renaissance man

He has 3 years to get it done

Don't let the supporters down

As it stands today he isn't high

tell the truth


Tell the truth

Many politicians will hide

They will always try to smile

Walk away calling for a break

The hard truth

Hide behind OSA

Even cases settled paid millions

The public will not get to know

Hide by law

The court imposes to seal it

Though NGOs will speculate

Nothing will be told

Tell the truth

Don't expect the political leaders to say

They will hide it as long as they can

How else corruption run so deep?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

donation to independent schools



Let the parties decide

They aren't illegal

It is through legalized way

Independent schools

It survives on donations

Coming from individuals and corporations

It isn't illegal in law

MOE shouldn't interfere

The funding the agency stays minimum

Forcing independent schools

Seeking public and companies donation

Don't let religion rule

The nation is a secular

Let religion stay at home

It will be good for everybody

forget MO1


The wolf leaders

They shouldn't harp on MO1

He is in prison for his criminal game

They better wake up and move on

Don't try every mean to find loopholes

Let MO1 rot in jail for his corruption

The current leaders should know the cause

Don't whip a weak horse to run

The party on the decline

All because of leaders refuse to accept

MO1 is in prison for his crime

This has affected the party standing

It is better they pour energy

To improve its public image

Carrying on with MO1 will be futile

He is in prison serving his time

the friction in wolf party


The wolf desperados

Trying hard to sow friction

Within their own party

The 2 camps existed

One camp trying hard

To work with the crocodiles

Without the party's approval

They hit the road to justify

It is to cause friction

Sowing seeds of dissatisfaction

The wolf desperados

They know they are gone for good

They are in the B camp

Trying hard to stay relevance

Some suspended others sidelined

They refuse to change

The wolf desperados

It's the end of the road

They refuse to change

They will cause friction

the hungry look of power base


The Trojan horse

Living within the unity parties

Listening and waiting for a day

The hungry look of power base

The conflict in the wolves

The game of football running

The opponents want to break free

They can't see the Rocket smiling

The open criticisms aplenty

It tells of conflict or somebody trying

Helping the opposition on the back door

The hungry look of power base

The Trojan horse

In the cabinet waiting

Listening to the whistling

Hoping a day to race

Renaissance man

He must have a backbone to fight

Don't leave to the wolves to run wild

They make him look bad

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

don't forget back door


Renaissance man

The confidence still in the clouds

The opposition still barking on back-door

Hoping to entice the members of Parliament

The loophole in Anti-hopping law

He should plug the hole by an amendment

Every MP should support it for a stable government

Currently there is a way to bring it down

Anti-hopping law against party hopping

But the frogs will find or push it

Cracking up the walls to gain a foot-hold

Renaissance man should start closing it

The rebel 6 of Moo has shown the way

It isn't something to hide it and wait

Now benefit to Renaissance man

It can happen with his coalition partners

Renaissance man

Don't forget the back-door

Don't try to woo your race

Let the back-door crack open

hitch a ride


Hitch a ride

Once it was a way

To get a free ride

On the road

At that time

Nothing to worry

About kidnapping and murders

About organs taken away

It was a time

The police would have nothing much to do

Crimes would be slow on the rise

Doors could stay open no worry about thieves

Hitch a ride

Today will be worried

The drivers can be killers

Plying the road or highways

In this town

A Chinese woman hitched a ride home

She didn't reach her destination

Until today the police can't find her

Hitch a ride

Not on a solo ride

It isn't like the old

Don't even try

on the high


On the high

It can't continue

There will be the falling

History will tell us so

Even empires disappeared

On the high for a few hundred years

Believing it couldn't collapse

Internal conflicts would cause it

Even political dynasties facing the claws

Once it claws the victims nothing will help

A political dynasty will be kicked out

North Korea will find it out in its life

Sarawak too will face it

Many decades running the state

By a minority race holding the reign

On the high corruption hides

Maybe in the next state election

The party in control will taste its fall

It needs to collapse in the polls

Dig up the corruption running deep

Sarawak Report has the report

Knowing how the minority manages the state

It's time the Dayaks wake up and take control

Clean up the corruption and stay clean of bad

On the high

A time to fall

It will happen

The internal conflicts

lies and betrayals


Lies and betrayals

In politics and relationships

This is our nature to succeed

The final goal to show

It is always a game

Playing in our minds every time

Think of it like a foot-ball

Dribbling, teasing, stopping, defending

Finally when our minds or eyes get clouded

The strikers shoot a goal pass the goal-keeper

The cheering loud on the stand

The rush of victory the jump of joy

The hot players may be sold

A hot price to boost up finance

Who will tell lies?

Who will betray?

Even in politics

The snakes and ladders game

A leader will stand tall

He may fall too

All because

Of lies and betrayals

The power of rewards

The consequences blinded

Monday, July 22, 2024

Joe Biden calls it quit


Joe Biden

Finally he sees

The health issue on him

He has to call it quit

He can't hide his health issue

He has to tone down take his medication

Though it may not help him in the long run

He has to look for alternative remedies

The likely candidate

It can be the current VP

Her face is known

She may win in the election

USA had a black President

Now they should choose another one

It is better than a Republican candidate

Sowing friction between races

let the small bulbs shine


Renaissance man

The leader in the unity government

Carry the tasks for the people and nation

With the best he can run

Many grouses on the ground

Saying about the promises and reforms

Though this isn't a full PH government

The reforms need to be implemented

The public can understand the situation

The reforms must be carried out now

The draconian laws still run on show

Not even one had been tabled in Parliament

Renaissance man

Listen to the ground

It isn't good for you

Nobody expects you to do it all

At least table the reforms

Take one or two to get the moving

Sedition Act or IPCMC

Let the small bulbs shine

heat on Lucy of the North


Lucy of the North

Dare to criticize on Royalty

Don't run away from prosecution

He seems to feel the heat

He appealed to reject his case

AGC didn't allow it in his first letter

He has to face his music in court

He can defend his case then

Facing his Sedition Act

He wants to wriggle it out

This is the way of the crocodiles

Finding ways to escape

Now he sends his second appeal

AGC shouldn't entertain his request

Let him stand in court to answer

Insulting a Sultan shouldn't escape

school out


School out

Many will feel free

After years in High School

Finally out for good

Many will feel

Freedom to flow

No need to chase

Homework and buses

Many too will feel afraid

Suddenly out of easy living

No more school for now

Until the results come out

The age of living

The survival instinct will kick in

Poor families have to work

No holidays back to earning

Many will discontinue

Finding work to assist

In a world which isn't kind

Live or die

Sunday, July 21, 2024

politics is a game


Politics is a game

Put your name

Go out to campaigns

Work hard for a win

Punching through racial barrier

Wishing for humans lights waving

It will feel high to a politician

If the driveways open to him

The bathe of glory in flash lights

The game comes out winner

The applauses ringing in the ears

If only all politicians stay rooted

Politics is a game

Put your name

Don't forget the promises

When winner is announced

love is gone


Love is gone

It isn't hitting suddenly

It builds through time

The lovers will recognize

The subtle changes

The time of lies

The time of excuses

The open dialogue disappears

Love is gone

The lovers can't say

They aren't aware

The changes in the relationship

Any slight mistake

An argument will disrupte harmony

On normal day a helping hand shares

Bringing the smile and joy

Love is gone

Life isn't funny now

Home has lost its touches

The jokes die long ago

a contract of bond


A contract of bond

A person has to honor

If he breaks his obligation

There is no force

The would be candidates

Before the election willingly agree

To commit and sign on the dotted lines

Knowing fully they will be asked to pay

They don't sign after election

They signed on it before the event

Those elected representatives frog away

The contracts will be enforced fully and legally

They can't turn around and say otherwise

They have signed and agreed to pay

Anti-hopping law will apply too

By elections will have to initiate