Sunday, December 17, 2023

the dress code


The dress code

The civil servants should remember

They are paid to service the public

Not to run down the tax payers

As it is now

The public are told flat

Without consultation and agreement

We pay them but we get the wrong stick!

Anwar Ibrahim should address it fully

There shouldn't be any half measure on it

Don't allow the civil servants to cause bad faith

They seem to have bad faith in their doing

They should respect the Federal Constitution

This is supreme law of the nation

Crafted, agreed and signed by the forefathers

The civil servants should change their mindsets

Of course the Rocket stays quiet

Let Anwar has his chance to address it

The Rocket leaders will know their stand

They can't disappoint their supporters

The dress code

Anwar should address it fully

Else he may lose his credibility

Ultimately he will suffer in defeat

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