Monday, September 16, 2024

the political dizzy


The political dizzy

All they do they spin

Round and round

Without a clear cut vision

They can tell you

There are in the bags

Trust them to do it

Nothing will escape

You know the truth

It's the dizzy world

The eyes will play tricks

Your mind will not see straight

The political dizzy

The bad politicians spin

There are many for the eyes

Trust them to do it

The wealth of the nation

Somehow it will be gone

They will say they have no clues

It's the dizzy world

don't let the bad song hit in the air


The crocodiles wagging tails

Getting smoke of dust in the air

Feeling good maybe getting dizzy

Heads swaging heavy on 2R

Pushing forward agenda

Of a race to set the outcome

The crocodiles and the moos

The power struggles will get the knock

The greed will take on the trend

Camouflage by religion to soothe the mind

But it is still a sin no matter how they spin

About economy they can't reason

When they are at a loss of words

They will sing praises to God

Telling all it is God's way

It has nothing to do with them

The police should take action

They can't sit still and play hand-phone games

The crocodiles will turn the table upside down

They will not abide by the Constitution

The way they walk they are still the crocodiles

Renaissance man must change tactics

He can't be following their antics

He needs to listen to the ground

He needs to have his backbone to hound

Don't let the crocodiles spinning bad sound

Over to you Renaissance man

Don't go round and round

You have your chance to correct the bad ways

You mustn't let the bad song hit in the air

It will not be good in your administration row

respect each other boundary


Respect each other boundary

Don't try to go overboard with rules

Leaning towards a certain religion

Living in a multi-religious environment

The Constitution is secular

This is the foundation for the nation

The narrow minded politicians

They should study the Constitution

Don't just open your mind

Saying something for your own religion

Forgetting the Constitution protects other faith

Show respect is to build harmony in unity

The founding fathers knew

Putting control measures in the Constitution

So the future generations will be protected

Against the narrow minded politicians

the back door is closed


Pee Anne

Still dreaming of the back-door

They got in once before

They want to try again

They can't wait till GE16

They are afraid of their court cases

Macc will keep on digging

Though the agency has stayed quiet now

But the fear is in the air

Pee Anne leaders are worried

Something damaging may come up again

The costs and benefits contract they rejected

Pee Anne

The back door is closed

The Anti-hopping law has sealed it

Though they can dream

Sunday, September 15, 2024

don't play the oppositon game


Renaissance man

Don't play the nice game

The opposition leaders need to pay

For the antics of bad vibrations

The rule of law

It has to play

It is blind by itself

Only the police will see

The opposition leaders are pushing

They may have broken laws

The police just stay quiet

Because of the 2R thing?

Renaissance man

Don't play into their game

It will not benefit the country

It will not help the people

no need to wait


No reply

In the current form

No playing for the middle-man

It has to be direct

Write to email

Reply will fly

No need to wait

Let the game play

As of now

Read and keep

The game of play

In the borderless world

Of interest in the game

Success or failure isn't a regret

By playing lessons can be learned

An experience worth the time and day

eyes only straight


They want to dance

The holy in their minds

They want to impose

The style of their lives

They want to look

As if they are the saints

Branding their way

Live in their belief

They have the narrow minds

Eyes only straight

No right or left turn

They think they are the only ones

They want to dance

The only style they know

They should study Bollywood

It will boost they style

the lap dogs for the crocodiles


The lap dogs for the crocodiles

They have the tags but no values

They can harp all they want

They want to sound they are holy

Gambling isn't the root of evil

It hasn't been its way in the beginning

It is the humans who are at fault

They fail to recognize greed

Money many will say

The root of the devil causing ills in humans

But is it the truth?

Money is an exchange to live and survive

The crocodiles trying to sound holy

But the sins they have in their minds

They forget to address in its roots

They always think of women and their needs

They don't pay attention to economy

They will have no idea how to achieve it

Kelantan is the best example

For decades Kelantan still running low

God gambles on humans

Though He knows what humans will do

He wants them to have free choices

So that He can be there as always

But crocodiles?

They want to play little gods

The sins in their lives

They dare not say or change

The lap dogs?

They should bark at themselves

Study the Constitution well

As it is they are just fire-flies

going backward is a sin


The crocodiles

Nothing on economy

It is always on 2R

It's their game of play

Sadly the rural folks will buy it

Afraid to face the truth

They will be led astray

Cozing up on the wrong strategies

They want to show

They can rule the nation

They should learn from Middle East

They can't stand alone

They are afraid of a small nation

Looking at them with fierce hated eyes

One wrong move everything will be on fire

The crocodiles should learn to stay in secular

The crocodiles playing a game

Shouting on 2R as if it is the only way

They should study the Constitution well

Else they can be charged under Sosma or Sedition

The nation will want to progress

Not under the guise of crocodiles

Going backward is a sin

Because we are living in 21st century

Saturday, September 14, 2024

dance in politics


Dance in politics

Many will fall into it

They will not say

Sins knocking in their heads

Lucifer will smile

Giving his art of dance

In politics he can influence

The way he has in mind

The subtle messages

We all listen to the politicians

All about power and greed

Nothing about enriching our minds

Dance in politics

The easy way to fall in sin

Lucifer knows his art of his game

The 7 sins many forget

Dance in politics

Dance in sins

Puppets on the strings

Who's the master?

Dance in politics

The 7 sins many forget

Many will fall into it

Lucifer will smile

the tents of crocodiles


The crocodiles

They can live in their tents

Curled in their cocoon shelves

Only the drama of fools will care

They can't walk on land

They have tried but found it impossible

So they make so many excuses

Living in religion but sins still growing

The crocodiles

Better stay in the swampy lake

Once a while you will make

Some news in Panjang river

The crocodiles

They pretend to be holy

Behind the back door

They will scheme and scream

The crocodiles

Don't fall for their trap doors

The political religion isn't saint

But they don't say

The crocodiles

Only the drama of fools will smile

They will dream of heaven

Forgetting paradise on earth

life of simple taste


Life of simple taste

The world will be much easy to play

Nothing much to worry carrying it through

The simple living grateful in many ways

It can't be happening

As the young generation will not bow to it

They will say they need to pursue

Every need and desire on the score sheet

It is only when in old age

Seeing what they have done and achieved

They reflect on it and return to simple living

The tranquility needed to cool the mind

Life of simple taste

Don't go make the wrong mistake

Pursuing of needs and desires

Know the trap doors; don't get jammed in it

the night of shadows


The night of shadows

Do we dare to face them?

Do we have the guts to do?

When we are trapped in a blocked road?

The fear will hit in our minds

As we feel we are chased out of our times

Running to an end

Hearing the voices ringing high

The initial panic

We will trap ourselves

The night of shadows

We will not see faces

We have to take quick breathing

Calm our minds relax our bodies

A few seconds in life make all the differences

Because we have no experience facing danger