Tuesday, February 11, 2025

the teen-agers


The teen-agers

The rebellious ones

They will cause headaches

To their families

They will not listen to advice

They will think friends are better

As they will defy guidelines and do the bad

Disappearing without informing their parents

In a day the worrying faces will show

The anxious moments to find how they are

The teen-agers will not know as they roam it up

Once away from their parents control

The teen-agers

Listen to your parents

They know the danger out there

Alone in a sea of unfamiliar faces

the golden lives


The golden lives

Get a living out there

Don't stay at homes

Staring at times

Maybe running with grand children

Thinking this is the best they could do

It isn't living in the golden life

The last round should be a blast!

They may think giving a helping hand

Sacrifice their golden years caring for grandchildren

Don't they realize they have their own needs to satisfy?

If they don't regret it why the complaints?

I hear them talk

Among their own age group

They want to live their lives

But they just can't do it

The aging souls

They have sacrifice a lot in years

Time they should go out and enjoy life

Don't get tied down by grandchildren

living in the city


KL living

Once I was

Jumping up my life

Look at the Mama and her girls

The night club of sound

Jammig up the mind

Nothing would stop it

Beers song and women

The women had their reasons

Bills to pay dreaming of big homes

Worked in the city of various jobs

The aim was to get money and split

I mingled with these women

They had the same tune in their plan

Saved and went home

Nobody would know

Along the way

Some lost their focus

They wasted their lives

They became women of the nights

I didn't like the scene

I left the city with my memories

Thinking of those times

Maybe I should return and see

the cushion of life


The cushion of life

Every one must have it

You can't go without

You are inviting troubles

Don't think you are young

You don't have to plan

Going out in full blast

Tomorrow is another day

By the wink of time

Young will become old

The energy will be stationery

Employment will be hard to find

Without the cushion of life

The golden years will be depressed

You will find hard to survive

Depending on children you better don't hope

It is time to save

To the future for yourself

It is time to say no

Of requests which may knock

Monday, February 10, 2025

the frogs in the moo


The moos

If the leaders don't talk

On back door

They talk on snap election

On the whole scene

They are afraid

Going to prison

On charges still in court

They may have toned down 2R

As the wolf leaders carry it on

Especially its motor mouth hamster man

Causing friction with his division view

The moos on rumor

Of friction within party leaders

They can't hold the nation

Of frogs in its circle

the chameleon at work


The chameleon at work

Trying his best to show good

Underlying in his mind

He is trying to push it

The fall guy?

Somebody has to sacrifice

He may get the negative vibes

Still the fall guy has his job

Jakim has to go

It has no value in its creation

It causes friction in our nation

Even the Sultan of Johore angry with it

The nation has muftis in each state

They can handle all the Islamic affairs

Why need Jakim causing us billions?

The chameleon pretends he doesn't know

The chameleon should change

Sink into his old habits of old

He forgot how he was treated

He needs to have his backbone

the harmony in the country


The harmony in the country

It has to stay with the people

Don't let the politicians causing pain

They have nothing else in their brains

The Muslim politicians

Screaming on 2R game

Because they want the power

The benefits will tie to it

They forget about Constitution

They forget about the Sultans

They only think of themselves

The Muslim voters mustn't get fooled

The other races will stay united

They will not talk about 2R game

They want to make money live a good life

In the country of wealth creation and compassion

The harmony in the country

Every faith has a role to play

It is inter-connected for effective progress

The economy is the passage of good life

evil is good chasing women


Evil is good

If you are chasing women

The men shouldn't be nice gentlemen

They will always put in friend zone

The men should play the evil game

It will rattle the women's minds

Catch hard in their circuitries

They will not understand

Evil is good

In the context of winning women

Look at Donald Trump

He did the bad yet he won his election

Because women voters loved him

He behaved like a bad guy

He didn't care what he would do

He did as he thought it would be

Evil makes you brave

You dare to approach women

You don't care what they say

You just want to do your own way

Sunday, February 09, 2025

the hamster man


The hamster man

He hasn't learned how to rationalize

He only thinks on his 2R game

He is blind to others in his eyes

Because he wants to stay relevant

But issues only show him has no compassion

It shows him of his poor understanding of multi-racism

He only good in his cowboy town

Even a Sultan has expressed his disappointment

On the recent bad review on the religious minister

Until the Cabinet has to step in to stop it

The hamster man refused to accept the reason

The hamster man

Giving bullets to the opposition

He better goes to join the other fence

Since he is doing their work

His party in government

He should study before he opens his motor mouth

The way he carries himself like an opposition member

The voters shouldn't pick this kind leader

don't go before time


Death is the easy way out

Leaving this world and be done with it

Is this the best solution to everyday issues?

Think about it and let life fulfill its purpose

A woman in her early 30s

Left her apartment in PJ

Police found her dead in her car in Pantai Remis

On the first day of Chinese New Year

Is this the way to go?

Every one has problems

In living in surviving

Nothing is sailing smoothly

We are born to live and solve ourselves

Every day issues we will face in our lives

We have to learn or adapt on situation every time

We know life isn't a smooth walk in the park

Death will not solve issues

It will cause misery to the living

Let death come on its terms and time

We shouldn't go before our call to return

no sane leader will opt for it


The snap election?

Only the Moos can think that way

They are the guys on the back door

No sane leader will opt for it

Renaissance man fought hard

Now sitting on the chair

The Moos expect him to walk down?

When he has the power in his hand?

The Moos playing their losing game

The leaders have to say something

Afraid their members will start to leave

It will not look good for the party

Now they are talking

Gearing up for snap election

They must have a crystal ball

They should look it on their fall

the moos losing the grip


The Moos

Prepare to lose it all

You have nothing left to say

Always the back door

The characters in Moos

Time to pack themselves in

They aren't wanted

Only those who can't see

What these politicians are doing

They just want to grab power and benefits

Nothing for their own race to enjoy

This majority race should wake up and listen well

Challenge the world

Don't fight in kampong politics

The 2R game should stay at home

It isn't relevant in economy of progress

The Moos

Some leaders are worried

On the pending court cases

They may lose and go to jail!

The video actor man

The police still can't recognize his face?

The co-star admitted who he is

Still nothing from the police?

The Moos

The sign is on the wall

Close shop and pray

It will be a better way