Friday, July 26, 2024

thinking as one race


The leaders like Ku Li

Harping on 2R all the time

This is the reason

Why their race always afraid

Go out to mix and stay united

Learn how to stand on their own

Don't be afraid to compete

Forget about feeding spoons

It will not bring them high

As long as they still harp on 2R

The world is changing

So are the fate of leaders

They can't be spinning

All about race and religion

The economy will fall

They even don't know how to fix it

Still dreaming on spoon feeding

It is time to see

The grand picture

The nation needs

Every race thinking as one

Bring up the economy

Stay united to progress

Forget about 2R

It doesn't help the nation to grow

The leaders like Ku Li

Living in the old

Time they should bow out

Let the new leaders walk on stage

Thinking as one race

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