Thursday, July 11, 2024

the lottery games 2


Many will argue

It is sin to gamble

It makes life a pain

Limping into debts and sorrow

The family will run into troubles

No financial gateway to live

Living always on borrowed time

Loan sharks will spray red paint

Who is at fault?

Lottery games to richness

The players must know

How to stay in reality

The lottery millions

The men on the streets dream

Let them feel their needs

Let them feel they are the lucky ones

Any type of gambling

A person must know the limit

Even buying shares or commodities

There are risks to lose the money

Sin is what we are told

Do we know who wrote the holy books?

All are crafted tales; some are copied

You say; he says; I say; them say

We have rights to sin

In the paradise world we are living

Learn all our mistakes in our lives

Perfection isn't for us to run

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