Sunday, July 14, 2024

don't blame the House Speaker


Don't blame the House Speaker

He got it right on his reasoning

The rebel 6 can keep their seats

It is the attitude of the moos leaders

They declared their support

Way back before the party amendments

The anti-hopping law doesn't apply

They didn't leave their party

They were sacked or terminated their membership

When they refused to pledge the party loyalty

They didn't want to leave the moo party

They were kicked out for not following

The moos wanted by elections

The House Speaker refused to draw into their plot

Conducting by elections involve millions of fund

The nation can't afford to spend on a party reasoning

The monies better use for the poor and needy

As they will face hardship now and tomorrow

The House Speaker had his reasoning justified

The court will not interfere in Parliament business

The rebel 6

It will be the last stand

Currently working as independents

They have to stay that way

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