Saturday, July 27, 2024

let the malays find how to fish in the seas


Somebody says

Don't spoon feed the Malays

Let them find how to fish in the seas

They will appreciate it in all honesty

Will Renaissance man do it?

He dares not spook his race

Afraid he will lose their support

He should study the elections result

He spent so much

Yet he didn't get his returns

His race laughed at him

They played their drama to fool him

Renaissance man shouldn't play his game

Let his race find their way to be successful

He doesn't need to give them a leg up

Let them compete to make them strong

As it is now he might lose it all

Even the non-Muslims may give him up

Is it the way he wanted it?

Focus on his race for support?

Renaissance man should focus on reforms

It is the way forward for him and nation

It is a secular nation and it should stay that way

Don't try to change the identity of the Constitution

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