Sunday, July 28, 2024

the sun goes down


The sun goes down

Slowly disappears from the sky

Signaling the night will fall

A routine will never change

The night of lights

Bloom up on the darkness

The dark shadows will hide

Afraid to get caught

Of the laws

And people's eyes

Everyone will stay alert

When the night will ring

The night owls will take action

In the night to wake up for business

There is always a day to gain

When parties swing into action

On religion they will forget

It is the economy to live

Of a time of harsh reality

A time shouldn't go wasted

The night life of fun

The PUA artists and students will roam

Trying to practise what they have learned

Of the night full of bloom of lights

The sun goes down

The night comes alive

The homeless will try

Finding way to survive

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