Thursday, October 10, 2024

the red shirt leader


The Red shirt leader

Once he was the wolves favorite

Even the women in the party applauded him

He felt like a peacock shining his colors

Now his popularity wanes

He lost his court case

Asking him to pay damages

Yet he doesn't fulfilled it

The court bailiff went to his house

He and his family couldn't be found

He isn't a man now once he felt he was

He should pay his damages since he lost his case

His party members stay quiet

He is out in the cold to find his footing

Once he was the favorite face in town

Now he has gone into hiding somewhere else

This scenerio can happen to motor big mouth

He too is facing court action for his antics

He is being sued for $25 million

He hasn't learn his lessons

The Red shirt leader

He can't face his world

The youth members should learn

Don't get sway to talk big

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