Friday, January 31, 2025




Decades of fighting

The losses she doesn't see

Still thinking


Waging conflicts

Knowing others will chip in

The lives lost she only cries

The ground pounded

Buildings all destroyed

Lives lost or run away

She only cries

The dead of her people

Fighting for a loss cause

The strategy has to change

Talk peace instead of conflicts

In peaceful living

No loss of dignity

Recognize a superior army

The amateurs can't win


Don't look on narrow path

You don't see the light

Sing of peace; paradise shine

MO1 doesn't need house arrest


MO1 blames others

He isn't the one

All the bad things

He didn't do it

He sat on the pile

The person who authorized

Now he is in prison

He still claims he is innocent

The wolves still say

All the good they can think

The man is in prison

They want a full pardon!

MO1 will not get it

He got 50% of his sentence

Jumping queue

Fault of Renaissance man

Now he will wait

The outcome of 1MDB

He will be found guilty

He doesn't need house arrest

our people needs come first


Mad Ani

Our nation needs come first

It isn't galloping to Gaza

You seem to fail in your vision

The billions need to rebuild Gaza

Let them find their own funds to build

They have to learn to stand on their feet

They should recognize they can't win the war

Our funds should stay at home

It isn't for you to use as your kitty bank

Our people needs come first Mad Ani

Don't try to hop in to get your ego trip

Rafidah Aziz narration is true

You shouldn't try to be busybody

If you like Gaza you should stay there

Our people needs can not come second

can't see the light


A fool

You can't win

You have tried

Fail many times

Yet still don't want to change

Still adopt the same strategies

Still thinking you can win

Fighting for the same objective

But failure written on the page

Why don't want to change?

Failures make you learn

Adopt a different approach

You may find the spark

Light up in your eyes

Live as neighbor

The gains will be plenty

A fool

Can't see the light

In a different approach

A failure is to learn

Not to repeat all over again

time to take stock


The wolves

Finally admit they are the snakes

In the year of the Snake

In response to Old Man throw back

Maybe the Old Man has realized

The party he made it new

It has outlived its usefulness

As a political party in the country

One senior leader said it

He fell for the Old Man zone

Now many will realize

The wolves are snakes after all

The wolves lost two general elections

The leaders still haven't learned

The next general election may lose badly

Because they don't realize their mistakes

Still harping on MO1

He will bring the party to the low

A person who stole millions or billions

The party leaders don't see at all

Thursday, January 30, 2025

no 2nd chance for MO1


MO1 should stay in prison

There will be no second chance

He has never regretted his actions

He doesn't feel remorse

The millions or billions disappeared in his hand

He hasn't returned it back to the Treasury

Yet there are fools asking him to be given 2nd chance

On what grounds while others suffer in jail?

He is a convict

Like others he has been given leeways

He shouldn't asked for more

He has to sit out for his crime

The SRC millions

He hasn't returned back

What second chance?

So he enjoy his millions

No Sir

MO1 should stay in prison

No law for house arrest

The letter is irrelevant

the war on corruption


The war on corruption

It will not end so soon

The money still in sight

The mind still smile

The crocodiles will say

It is alright to take

As long as it is for a good cause”

The law hasn't given leeway

The wolves are the old hands

They know how to butter their hands

Behind close doors with bells

The decades of learning crafts

Renaissance man's way

He talks a lot without much action

He thinks he can make it work

When little napoleons think differently

Look into Selangor land deal

The culprits transferred to different sections

But no sacking for corruption

It's talking but real action in deaf ears

Corruption in the country

It isn't going to end soon

Action hasn't come out in full force

The little napoleons drag it slowly

the tension rising


The tension rising

The world of people should wake up

Don't go about minding your own business

The clashes of egos will cause problems

Don't look on minor isssues

Don't go galloping on 2R

It will not help the nation

It will not ease the world

The tension rising

The world leaders don't see

It comes down to power and benefits

The might the leaders what to display

These leaders should pray

Ease the anger of God

Our military hardwares are nothing

When Nature brings her disasters to us

The tension rising

The world of people shouldn't hide

Let the world leaders know

They should listen and start to pray

faith is the word


Faith is the word

To heal the world of conflicts

Our politicians in the world

They have lost sight of their trust

China, Russia and US

Playing their conflicted games

Maybe it is trade war

Behind it could be spies and manipulations

Smaller nations too

Trying to take side to support

The conflict in the world

Our politicians doing

Pakistan and India

Middle East and Israel

The politics of extremism

The leaders should go back to praying

The islands dispute

Among friendly nations

It is still a political talk

Nothing seems to settle

It has to go back to faith

Praying for grace for our misfortunes and sins

The politicians need to look in the mirrors

The world is at a cross-road

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

don't stifle public rallies


The public rallies

It will continue in years to come

This is the democratic right

The people have it

Yet the politicians in government

They will pass law or amendments to stifle it

They forget they were once part of the protestors

Now in government they change color

They will try to block it

Find ways to make it difficult

The politicians should realize

The people's power isn't slowing down

The public rallies

It isn't going to end

With the current government

They should know and understand

the fire crackers


The fire crackers

Right until 2.00 in the morning

Don't these people understand?

Others need to rest?

They may think

Once a year to make the loud noises

In the wee hour of the morning?

Even the cats and dogs can't stand it

Maybe the government should ban fire crackers

It creates so much noise in the air

Those who have sensitive ears will feel bad

Blasting frequency to their ears

This can be a major reason

Why cats and dogs run or hide

They can't stand the piercing sound

It vibrates in the ears

The fire crackers

Ban for the good of all

Give the cash to the poor or homeless

It will serve a better purpose

run by politicians


The world we live

Run by politicians

The game of deceit

Sometimes make belief

They want power

They want to control

As long as they can get

They don't know the backyards

Of the poor or vagabond or homeless

Scavanging their lives for a living

Dreaming of the world of luxuries

As they pick up crumbs on the garbage tongs

Still the blind score

We let the politicians take control

Thinking they will do al the dirty jobs

But we are totally wrong

the greedy will fall


The greedy will fall

History will tell of tales

Because of a few silver dollars

The life was lost in regret

The greedy politicians

They will face the same road

They may not hang themselves

They may spend life in prison

The politicians shouldn't go to holy land

Because their mind and hearts aren't pure

In every second they have to think of politics

Worrying about events they aren't on the spot

They can go when they retire

From it they don't have to carry baggage

In clear mind and spirit to seek refuge

In the kingdom of God

The greedy will fall

There is nothing to gain by it

History has a lot to tell us

Why not stop a while and read history?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

the green anaconda snake hissing in


The Dragon last roar

The balls of fire fall

Hitting the ground

A blast of smoking air

The rain keep falling

To smoke out the fire

The Dragon last day

Ready to leave his place

The Green Anaconda Snake

Coolly crawling his way

Back to the throne

He will feel great

The power of rain

Causing floods in certain areas

Make the ground wet

The cultivation will begin

The Dragon roars away

Leaving his memories behind

Let his counter-part play the game

At midnight the story will change

the vulgar words


The vulgar words

It is the norm nowadays

If we think back

I heard it in my village years

The women then could talk about it

They didn't feel bashful and hide

The words were kept flowing

Like a normal conversation

Even in the Western culture

They will pop out the words

Our university students just copy it

They feel it is the right way to carry the message

Those living in a cultured way

They may feel offended of the vulgar words

We live in freedom of expression

It doesn't say the students should follow the normal

We have our cultures and learning curves

The current students may have theirs too

We shouldn't feel offended with the vulgar words

My across neighbors use to exchange it as normal!

the blue eye party election


Renaissance man

His party election this year

It will be his last term

As Blue Eye party president

Will he face contest?

Unlikely he wil have to

The party members will give face

As he is the country top gun

It will be an interesting contest

From the deputy president and vice presidents

These are the coming up leaders for the party

A future to helm the nation

But all depends on the current president

How he play his role and his political cards

Currently scene he plays it quite bad

His 2R game and DNAA of politicians

The Blue Eye party elections

It is the contest for the 2nd line of leaders

A future they may stand a chance to lead

The future of the nation

the protests and rallies


The protests and rallies

Renaissance man should stay home find solutions

Do need to wow the world stage

Back home something needs to be done

Is he going backwards?

The inactions seem likely

The ghost of 2R still shadowing

He should put a stop to it

Unlikely in his pursuit

He should take a leaf from Donald Trump

Dumped departments not working for the country

He should recognize what he needs to do

He should have a backbone

Trying to keep his post isn't the way

The nation building should be the guide

The bad politicians shouldn't let them stay

The protests and rallies

He shouldn't wait last minute to express support

It has cause him his voting base

He forgot he learned it in rallies

Monday, January 27, 2025

failure isn't a loss


The bird nests

They don't give up

Even when it is destroyed

By the wind or rain or cats

They keep coming back

Within a day the nest is made

Sitting on a different tree

Showing no giving up

Even the birdies can die

As the cats will try to capture

The birds will not give up either

They will give a try again

Failure isn't a loss

But a wrong approach or method

Learn the lesson and push forward again

Failure is when we quit totally

live in momeents


Live in moments

Living in this chaotic world

Nobody can know

What will tomorrow hold?

It may sound scary

Thinking of World War 3

As the border clashes happen

The small sparks may cause a big fire

The economic situations

Causing concern for the small countries

The super-powers try to blow hot and cold

Thinking there is no other nations

The life of challenges

Living in this chaotic world

We still must maintain confidence

Cause tomorrow is still unknown

the caning in public


The caning in public

The Muslim clerics smile

They think they can get the power

They should look in the mirrors

There is no warm and sincerity

It is a sadistic way to enrich a religion

Afraid to make sins and to live in this world

God wants people to sins so He can forgive

This is why there are many sins

Even we don't do anything but in our mind

We shift our thoughts and desires

It is a sin but the religious officials forget

The lustful thoughts in the mind

It is there the moment of sin grows

So caning in public

It will not stop sin from growing

Sin is evil

Evil is sin

Yet God forgives

So we should go and live

be decisive don't wait too long


Renaissance man

Slow to hit the ground

On the recent rally

Students on anti-corruption

It should be stopped

Corruption mustn't allow to spread

It will cause harm to the country

Yet this simple easy way to do

Renaissance man's team forgot

They were once used to demonstrate

They put up barriers just to stifle the students

They should learn history of how Renaissance man did

He demonstrated in defiance during his university day

Now in power to decide the direction of the country

The puppet king keeps the rule running to his likes

Trying hard to put the rally on hold

But the students weren't cowed by it

So Renaissance man

You may have lost ground

Though you gave your last minute ok

Sunday, January 26, 2025

the wolves obsession


The wolves obsession

Finding ways to get a royal pardon

For a convict of $millions still never return

What basis to ask for it?

The wolves should move on

The former chief has to pay his crime

Crowing out loud for his release

It is a shame for the party leaders

Macc should investigate these leaders

There must be something they own the convict

Otherwise they will not keep crowing about him

A payback time for favors?

The convict has to stay in prison

Renaissance man mustn't bend backwards to help

It will cause him his credibility and his post

As it stands today he already got hit badly

1MDB case will put him in jail

He will not get discount again

The wolves can shout all they can

This case will shut him up for good

The current King will not entertain

He is always against corruption

The wolves should go on with their politics

Leave the crimes to the police and Macc

our safety mustn't be compromised


The police must search and locate

The culprits who sent threatening letters

Post messages of harm to a comedian family

These bad elements must be captured

No need to offer any remedy

These bad persons must be apprehended

Let them spin their tales

Of who is behind the threats

These bad persons may follow instructions

They may be free agents offering their kind of services

To spread fear by intimidation or molestation

The police mustn't stay quiet

The nation of people

They will not tolerate these bad culture of threats

It will bring a bad name to the country

Our safety mustn't be compromised for the bad

hurry with the reforms


Renaissance man

Better hurry with your reforms

You haven't done it thus far

Leaving on tours

In your back-yard

Don't let the wolves tell you

What you have to do

You must have your backbone

Don't dream of 2nd term

If your current level you forget

The bad politicians and cronies

You better haul them in

Nice guys never win

In politics behave like a hunter

You must have a keen eye and mind

Knowing how to play a game with your enemies

Renaissance man

Do you have a team of good advisors?

Maybe you have to fine tuned your Cabinet again

And get your reforms on the chart

the DNAA cases


The DNAA cases

AGC still in slow processes

Nothing is heard on any new evidence

AGC seems nothing to tell the public

The DNAA cases

Some were dropped completely

Setting free the men

Of all the many charges

It is hard to swallow

AGC never gives any reason

Still studying new evidence

It was months ago yet nothing

The Prime Minister shouldn't stay innocent

He has to find out the truth why nothing yet?

It has been months still AGC hasn't done?

The DNAA cases need to go to court again

Saturday, January 25, 2025

why the road blocks?


credit Malaysiakini

Why the road blocks?

The Prime Minister says he has no problem

Has somebody forgot to follow order?

Has city hall simply ignored?

The Home Minister has to answer

He should be on the ground to witness it

The rally is in support of government efforts

Wipe out corruption in all sectors

Apparently somebody is playing the devil

Causing problem to the Prime Minister?

The answer must be found to pin down the culprit

It mustn't be swept under the carpet

The rally goers breached the blocked barricade

They aren't going to be cowed and pushed away

The corruption in the nation needs to be wiped out

No favors should be accorded to any prisoners

This is people's power

Renaissance man should recognize them

He was part of this people's power group

When he was in the opposition

the Rocket on cross road


The Rocket on cross-road

What will happen to the party?

The fighting spirit seems in hiding

As the open attacks have cooled down

Ah Loke like Ling Long Sik

He always talked behind closed door

Until the voters got fed up with him

Thus the downfall for his party

Ah Loke shouldn't follow

He needs to show his aggression

When non-Malays are attacked in politics

Ah Loke must hit back with his aces

In unity government

The Rocket leaders have toned down

The like of LGE or Tokong must emerge

Working behind the scenes isn't the solution

The wolves still attack

Howling like crazy when it isn't a full moon

The Rocket should have blasted them away

Get the engine in top gear with fuel

The Rocket image

The hungry look has gone

Planted with power and benefits

The leaders have forgotten the promises