Friday, January 10, 2025

the headaches for Renaissance man


Now Renaissance man knows

The headaches coming into him

Due to his indecisiveness causing it

On the Royal post script on house arrest

He should have tackled it last year

Quickly diffused the situation

Make a bold decision to stop it

But he allowed to linger to court

The Federal Constitution must be strictly adhered to

There is no way to side-stepped it to suit a person needs

It doesn't work that way in law

Yet one convict is allowed to enjoy his benefits

Now it will battle in court

The case will touch on the Constitution

Has the previous King got it right?

He needed to advice from the Pardon Board

Post script letter without discussing in Pardon Board

It has side-stepped the section 42 of Constitution

In a way legally it shouldn't be entertained

Now the High Court Judge has to decide on it

Renaissance man gets a bad headache

He should come to his senses now

He needs to have his back-bone

Stand on his feet and make bold decision

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