Tuesday, December 31, 2024

the wolves will fall


The wolves

They will fall

Supporting a convict

Of stealing millions

They want to hold a rally

Telling the public

That doing corruption is good

As crocodiles have said it before

This rally by next month

With support of moos and crocodiles

For a convict who is now in prison

He dares to commit his crime he should serve his time

The public especially the Malays

Don't get fooled by these parties

They are only for their own desires

Nothing for the other Muslims

Renaissance man should wake up

Don't get conned by the wolves

In unity government but acting in bad faith

He should consider his move in 2025

He mustn't be greedy for the post

It will not augur well into his career in politics

As it stands today he has a poor grading

Because he tries to please the wolves

Though many may understand him

He was once the wolves deputy chief

Welding immense power before 1998

But he has to remember it is history

walking backwards on reforms


Walking backwards on reforms

Mad Ani should have taken stock

In 2025 he has to do his home work

He has done poor rating on himself

The last 2 years on his watch

He doesn't do much on reforms

In fact he created new ones

His position will fall if he forgets

Currently he is pleasing his 2R

He has forgotten his base of support

If he continues his game plan next year

He will be losing out in GE16

Mad Ani should reflect on his progress

He got a bad grade from Bersih

He needs to improve his grade

If he wishes to see his second term

the corrupt


The corrupt

They dare to do

They must dare to face it

No need to give excuses

Once they are caught

They will offer their version

Donation or somebody's cash

For safe keeping until it is called

They will not admit their guilt

They will say in straight faces

The lawyers will offer a way out

Dragging into court a different tale

The corrupt

They are evil

And they know the score

They want their lives for more

it's the end of 2024


It's the end of 2024

By midnight it will say goodbye

Leave with regrets leave with good memories

For many they will try to make it better

In the year 2025

The count-down will begin

Many will usher it with joy

The celebrations in many

Tomorrow is a New Year

Maybe something good will show

There are yet many

Who don't care what's in store for them

They will carry on as usual

Living the way they use to

The New Year the old routines

Whatever we are doing

Like it or not or against religion

Who is to say in celebration?

Right or wrong let there by joy

We are here on a fixed time

evil still rules


In this world

Evil always win

Good behaves like gentleman

He can't strike hard to progress

Why women like bad guys?

They are evil in their ways

They break rules or laws

They show they aren't afraid

Why Putin still at war?

He likes to play evil

Causing pain and havoc

Yet his own people support him

Why North Korea still in evil mode?

Because the army are well fed to do bad

The people living in fear of death

Evil doesn't seek compromise

Taliban is evil

Using religion to justifying its bad way

Making women the brunt of its policies

Control them with an evil mind

Evil still rules

The world still in bad cracks

Every one should live in the moments

Don't drag yourself hard for tomorrow

Monday, December 30, 2024

Langkawi in economy slow down


Langkawi Islands

It will not face the tourism boom

As the drawbacks have gone into news

By the crocodiles administration

Renaissance man shouldn't waste money

The islands will not soar as it like before

It is the crocodiles poor handling on tourism

Resulting in the crying of economy boost

Using religion into practical form

It will not stir the economy to flight

It is going backwards to the island folks

Who had a good run before

Maybe Mahsuri curse hasn't ended

Though politically it was said she had

Now the economy in Langkawi

Folks and businessmen aren't in the mood

Unless Langkawi Islands is handled by Putrajaya

Maybe the economy cake will flourish without hindrance

Many have said it before religion can't be used in politics

The politicians will cause sin to themselves and families

let go the wolves


Renaissance man

Don't wait for time

Action is the call

Do you have it?

The wolves and crocodiles

Marching in solidarity next month

Trying hard to plea for MO1

There shouldn't be any contest

MO1 should stay in prison

He still has his cases in court

IRB has a case on him too

Maybe time to let go the wolves

The wolves don't listen to advice

Let them join the crocodiles

You will not lose a thing

You may get back your bearing

Will you survive next year?

You have to hurry to keep your promises

Else you will not have a job

You can be in history

no chaos in politics


In politics

Chaos shouldn't be the game

It will not bring benefits

A politician will lose it

In current political situation

A politician trying to run his 2R game

In Malaya of a majority of his race

He can play his card but will he win?

The other races may feel neglected

A politician of his caliber he has forgotten

Dishing on his menu on his 2R game

He forgets his supportive bases

He may not win votes from his own race

Harping on his 2R will not derive a gain

Not all of his race will respond positively

The moderate will think of the good of the nation

In multi-racial situation

A politician must serve all races

They are the people for the nation

In unity to strike for progress

perfection is time wasted



Don't try to push it

Look at yourself

You will recognize

Many try

Working on perfection

Time is wasted

Perfection can't be had

You should harness

The best you have

You don't have to cultivate

Something you can't get it

It is best to act “evil”

You can get it

Not trying to be perfect

Best to stay confidence


Causing delay in enjoyment

It is best to stay in chaos

Shake it up and stay naughty

Sunday, December 29, 2024

stop talking on 2R


Every day we hear

The 2R narrative in the news

Don't they get fed up with it?

Because of seeking power

They fall on their sins

Of course they will not say

They will speak as if they are holy

But the truth is to live in diversity

We aren't the only nation living with others

There are other countries mixing with it

The politicians there aren't doing

Playing the game of 2R narrative

The Malayan politicians should emulate

The people of Sabah and Sarawak

They mix around and share together

Living in harmony with different faith

But here in Malaya

Non-stop talking on 2R

As if they are the deprived lot

They should eye to the future

Living on 2R will not help Malaya to progress

In the 21st century and beyond

PH leaders listen to the ground


PH leaders

Know the ground

Don't feel you are in unity government

The reforms are back seat

If your chairman can't get it done

There is likely reason the voters will reject

PH leaders in the next election

He is doing the work for the wolves

So far nothing has been done on reforms

PH leaders should take notice on the ground

Many voters aren't supportive if this trend continues

You don't want this happen after the hard fought battles

PH leaders

Let good sanity prevail

The chairman isn't following the script

He is making bad decision or staying quiet

Next year better crawls back to the front

Don't repeat the mistakes so far on reforms

Don't let the core supporters feel betrayed

PH leaders know the limit and stay on course

put a stop on house arrest issue


House arrest

Just put a stop to it

There is no law

Why want to bring it on?

It is because of MO1?

He got what he deserved

He got his 50% discount

He still greedy for more

The Pardon Board shouldn't entertain

He had jumped queue once

He shouldn't be allowed to do it again

It sparks of unfairness to the other prisoners

Renaissance man has lost his ground

If he still keeps on his crusade

He can kiss his job goodbye

As the ground is getting fed up with him

He should bite the bullet

Let the wolves go

In this way he may have a chance

In his bid for the next round

House arrest

So far no law

Why keep harping on it?

Because of MO1

Let him rot in prison

He deserves it to stay in his cell

He brought shame to the nation

Only he and his party feel no remorse

don't let religion rule the day


We have to march on

The experiences and knowledge gain

It shouldn't be thrown away

Just because of a religion

The crocodiles are fond of playing

The throwback to the cave mentality

The marching forward they can't see

Though they sit and enjoy it

Every political speech is caked in honey

Telling the gullible audience to go back

To the time spent and gone

Using religion to spin their tales

It is for the men

They are afraid to lose

They want the women to be slaves

No education and kowtow to them

They are playing their field

The gullible people don't see

The crocodiles want power

The rest can be their slaves

The women shouldn't ignore

They have the votes

They have the power to decide

Don't lose it for the men

Saturday, December 28, 2024

life has to go on


Life has to go on

Nothing much every one can do

The drawbacks we will take notice

The forward marching will be the time

The punishment and fear

The dictators will impose to control

With army in their support

They think they can rule forever

Even public caning

The result is humiliation

The injured person may not feel remorse

He engaged it on consent between adults

Using religion as a form of punishment

It only satisfies a certain group of clerics

They think they are doing God's work

God hasn't appointed any one no more

Life has to go on

In the circle where we all will return

We can't escape our lives

Learn to live in compassion

give a person his dignity


The crocodiles

They have don't economic plan

Whatever they dish out to the public

It's always on 2R

Public caning is a humiliation

It is just like shaming a person in public

Talking about religion on punishment

The nation will not progress with this attitude

There must be compassion

Caning for close proximity

Understand a person's life

God creates man and woman

For what to stay at home?

He commands to go and multiply

Punishment is God's domain

As humans we shouldn't play God

Give a person his dignity

Public caning shames a person

He may not repent it

As he will get angry and repeat

It is best to show empathy

It will help a person to find his way

Intolerance of distractions of the mind

No punishment will ever work

The crocodiles

They have sinned on their own

Hiding behind their religion

They can't progress

sin is always in the mind


Sin is always in the mind

It is always there to begin

The crocodiles and those involved

Don't dream of going to heaven

Religion in politics

The sin of the politicians

Heavens can't wait for them

They have to change right now

Thee 7 sins in our lives

It isn't easy to escape

It is always there as a barrier

Why don't live in joy in paradise?

Why want to jump to heaven?

Paradise on Earth even angels came

It is our test to control our sins

There is no short cut but to earn it

the teaser on Sabah corruption scandal


The Sabah corruption scandal

A release of teaser to the public

The whistle blower wants to get

The maximum impact on the state government

As he claimed many state assemblemen involved

Receiving bribes for projects or for support

The usual short cut way to gain wealth

There is no honor among thieves”

Only money call the game

It will be easily influenced

The millions to be shared

The greedy ones will fall

The lawyer will release the teaser

While Macc may get annoyed with his antics

The agency hasn't finished its investigations

Like the Sarawak corruption case until the man passed away

Corruption is buried deep in the mind

It isn't easy to stop it from spreading

The top leaders must be honest and trustworthy

To finally cut off corruption disease

Friday, December 27, 2024

in life everything is a game


The rule of a game

If you can't win

You shouldn't play

You shouldn't cause delay

You have trained

Yet you feel you aren't ready

Walking to the court of play

You know you will be wiped out completely

You need to have confident to win

As long as you feel inadequate

It is better to study your game

Look for answers before you try again

In life every thing is a game

You want to make a name

You have to practice hard

Learn the rope and don't give up

the divide and rule should be in the can


The divide and rule

The Colonial master used it to the full

When independence achieved

The old rule never put in cold storage

The subsequent prime ministers used it

Dividing the people and nation

They used to campaign on 2R

Afraid to lose it all

They forgot to mention

It is guarded by the Federal Constitution

It is the supreme law of the land

The Muslim politicians will just ignore it

Much hope on Renaissance man

2 years under his administration

He hardly does his reforms

He is walking backwards to divide and rule

The nation can't progress

If the divide and rule hasn't taken out of equation

It causes traffic jams to smooth flow

But Renaissance man walking backwards

it's just NATO*


Renaissance man

The statement is stale and repetitive

Every prime minister has said the same objective

But implementation is the calling

The message can be a double edge sword

He tries to garner support for his policies

The Non Malays have understood his meaning

The Muslim Malays will stay happy

The nation will get the wrong approach

It doesn't flow with the religion in the country

He is pushing for his Islamic way of life

While the Constitution says it is Secular

Renaissance man

His spots have come full circle

He is just playing with his words

All his actions turn out differently

The nation still waits for his reforms

Urgently in her way to progress

In mind and body to reap the world benefits

But Renaissance man?

* no action talk only

the black eye man


The black eye man

Those were the years

The huge support he gained

Putting him up in iconic image

It was the bad treatment

In police custody for a VIP prisoner

So much were written about him

So many supporters gathered in support

Through the years he could have learned

The lessons of political truth in his life

He fought hard in the court

He got a Royal pardon and was free

Now in his position he wanted

The black eye man has forgotten

The trials of his life of decades

He turns 360 degree backwards

All the promises never do

All the bad laws still remain

He only crafts new ones to control

He has forgotten all he had said!

He will not smell it again

Unless he does his 360 degree forward

As it is happening today he has forgotten

All his promises he hasn't done

Thursday, December 26, 2024

the stray cats


The stray cats killed

Somebody may have a habit

Going all out to take out the cats

Leaving them out of their lives

Doesn't he know the animal law?

It isn't something we have to do

Leave the stray cats alone

They have their reasons to roam

The stray cats can be a nuisance

They will make the houseowners angry

The come to poo and urinate

Then they will jump out and disappear

The housowners curse them silently

The stray cats know they are wrong

It is their mantra to make us angry

As they do their businesses and disappear

Note happened in University M

the changes


The changes

It may not come

Renaissance man

Afraid or forget?

He's the NATO man

In his backyard he doesn't see

He will jump to Hamas and Palestine

On his own people he seems to forget

The Rocket can't say

No fuel to light up to the sky

The leaders can only nod their heads

They know it is wrong as their wings clipped

Amanah will observe the wind

The leaders will not say much either

Only a former deputy minister will write

About the slow progress on the changes

Renaissance man should return

To the core principles in the past

As it stands today he is playing to his race

As power creeps in he has forgotten his promises

public canning


Public canning

Is it a sadist move?

Religion is compassionate

But what is happening now?

Passing law to make it legal

Is it not against the Federal Constitution?

The state may have its right

Limited to a certain level

Public canning

Reminded me in school days

The naughty or bad students

It was to shame them

Isn't it a sin?

Terrorists never get caned in public

They are offered remedial solutions

But for close proximity?

Public canning!

Renaissance man should order it to stop

But he has no gut like the Old Man

Dr Mahathir will tell them off during his heyday

Now he may not think like before

AGC mustn't fail


AGC mustn't fail

In the appeal to Appeal Court

On the acquittal of Fat Mama

Of her over $7 million in her account

She has no work

She hasn't earned the income

The millions she could have

A judge would have seen it

She didn't pay her taxes

On the score she wasn't working

But the over $7 million she had

How could a judge say otherwise?

It will affect the work of Macc

If this becomes a case law by itself

Many people can get away with it

Justice must prevail to stop the loophole

AGC file appeal

Le them argue the case again

For now Fat Mama can smile

Some say blame it on Renaissance man