Saturday, May 06, 2006

BBC Chairman resigned

BBC Chairman resigned. Because his colleagus didnt support him on the opposition motion about an MP interference in the Malacca customs which was published in the newspapers. All MPs are elected by the people to do business in Parliament for the benefit of the people. It is not for the government. In this case the party whip becomes the Lord over the peoples' representatives. Shahrir resigned because his conscious couldnt accept his tenure. I think the party whip should go and let MPs debate in the August House and it shouldnt be detect by the whip of BN. In this case we better dont go for election. What's the point when MPs can't bring up issues even the opposition table it first? If it is for the good of the people, it should be supported not otherwise. It is time PM should clarify. If he doesnt do it, then he is no different than Dr Mahathir. Currently he is surrounded by too many ministers which I think he has no confident with himself. Too many cooks spoil the soup........When Parliament is in session, all MPs and ministers should attend. They know the dates and duration and why disappear from Parliament? Diary is a form book for writing appointments and so they better use it to the fullest. Parliament is supreme and all elected representatives should attend......period. Maybe I am dreaming here....I dont see ministers attending Parliament except when the King opens Parliament sessions or an address by the prime minister. The PM should let the deputy ministers run the show when Parliament is in session. This is the way to groom leaders to take the helm of government. Will they do it?

Malaysia.....sakitlah mata dan telinga...nampak MPs hanya memandangkan diri mereka saja kesian rakyat jelita ini..

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