In the beginning
God alone creates
The World here and beyond
Angels and prophets
God alone declares
Everything good and multiply
On the children God creates
Through Adam and Eve
The sons and daughters in God's image
Animals, insects, plants and trees
Water Wind Air Fire we breathe
The frame of God's handiworks
On Earth for God's children learning
Along with it
God sends prophets
In the beginning
Until the last messenger
God wants the people to learn
The kingdom of God and God's plans
In the beginning
God gives the Torah
The early people
Through the prophets
Exposing the ways of God
And the kingdom of heavens and paradise
Yet the people never learned
They went against the teachings
Of the prophets of the time
Ignoring good advice
Suffering in terrible forms
They prayed for deliverance
And God sends Jesus
The early life of Jesus
Scant details in ancient records
Jesus started his ministry at aged 30
For a short lived life until he died at 33
Jesus says
“I came to fulfill the prophecy
Written in the old Testament”
Jesus never claims new religion
The Old Testament
By the previous prophets
Jesus brought it up to date
During his ministry at aged 30
Jesus never claimed he is the “Christ”
When he was asked his reply was curious
Under Mark 8:27-30
“He charged them to tell no one about him”
Those earlier years of Jesus teachings
Jesus never kept his writings.............
What we learned were the works
Mark, Mathew, Luke and John
Written about 600 years after Jesus death
Jesus spoke of God's kingdom
And the last messenger would come after him
In Jude 1:14 “Behold, the Lord cometh with
10,000 of his saints”
The New Testament (revised in KJV)
Of the works attributed to Jesus
Of his disciples spreading his messages
Only the people forget
Jesus said about the last messenger
“He will teach............”
God final command
Through his last messenger
As Jesus spoke of him
And his coming to teach the world
“Muhammad the Sultan of all prophets”