Tuesday, November 24, 2009

fresh election mca

MCA what a disgrace!
Qualified people in leadership
Years of experience yet can't find solution
For the party crisis amongst its leaders

So the saying is true
“Too many cooks spoil the soup”
MCA you breed a group of half past six
They create their own problems
They don't want to know the solution

With years of experience
Amongst the leaders manning the party
When crisis of this nature crops up again
They don't learn do they?

Fresh election
Why wait to taste the soup?
You know it's already bad
Throw out and cook a new pot

You don't need Umno leaders
Telling you what to do
When in their own backyard
They have problems too

So MCA leaders
Don't make the community feeling ashamed
Removing others not in your camp
You compound the problem......
Then it will be the end

Fresh election the way forward
Let the grassroot members decide
You are there not for personal gains and glory
So why take so long to decide?

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