Thursday, August 11, 2011

it was too late

So sad she had to go
Gave her body got cheated
The boyfriend dumped her
When he had his wants

She got pregnant
Why never thought of family planning?
She got her abortion
The boyfriend couldn't be bothered

Then she did the worst stupid thing
She jumped down from a high rise building
Falling downwards with wind telling her
“Aren't you stupid the guy still free?”

Before she hit the ground
She realized she was a stupid fool
Got used, cheated and dumped
“I should have found another guy!”

It was too late for her
The impact from her fall
The bones broke in her body
Causing internal bleeding

She shouldn't have died this way
The years of bringing her to this world
She wasted on her own stupidity
Now the sorrow for her families

Now in another world
She cried with her emotion
Why she did it that way?
When there were many to do

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