Monday, September 10, 2012

we have a choice

The political parties
People joined to get cables
A leg up into the moneyed world
A fast track to find successes

Some joined purely for debates
Airing their views the skills of oratory
Along the way they may get crucified
There will be joy in their faces

Some joined for a plateform
To meet of like minded people
They may not have the hearts and souls
They just wanted to belong

Some joined to inflict pain
They are the hired guns for money
They are the moles sleeping for a time
When wealth is gained they spilled their beans

Then there are the political animals
They will bulldozed and create chaos
For a simple reason to push their candidates high
From the ashes a new group of leaders appeared

People in politics
They have own agendas
To enrich a short possible time
The wealth and power game

The political tale
Don't believe the politicians
They don't know what they are saying
In life we love to be entertained

So we have a choice
Do the right thing and prosper
Do the wrong the darkness fall
On the fence the worst of the kind...

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