Saturday, November 03, 2012

the boatman

The boatman rows his boat
Along the river of calm water
In the evening sunset
The sky of colours

A working class woman waits
To cross over the other side
She waves to the boatman
He rows quickly to her

She hops to the boat
The boatman rows away
The calm river glides it away
She sits on the wooden seat

The boatman looks at her
You are new here?”
The woman nods her head
You have friends waiting for you?”

The woman never says
She holds on to her thought
The boatman never wants to intrude
For a while the boat flows along

Midway of the river
The sky turns dark 
The boatman rows on quickly
The river begins to change

The strong wind caressing through
Brushing them and the boat.....
The choppy water begins to rock the boat
The woman getting scared by it

You better put your safety jacket
It is for your own good just in case”
The woman puts it on and smile
You shouldn't feel afraid”

The boatman rows his boat
The strong waves swaying it along
The calm water changes direction
The boatman rows on steadily

It seems ages on the river
Then the strong wind disappears
The calm water stay
The boatman rows on confidently

The woman shivers
She can't understand why
She eyes the calm river
She sees crocodiles

Do you see the crocodiles?
Are we safe now?”
The boatman laughs
The crocodiles are the bodyguards”

The woman looks surprise
I don't get you uncle?
Are we safe with the crocodiles?”
They don't bite you”

The woman isn't convince
She is afraid of the crocodiles attack
She has read so much about it
If you are confident, you will be safe”

The boatman rows his boat
The crocodiles float along the river
The boatman whistles his familiar melody
The crocodiles all disappear from sight

Animals know the rules
When you lose your confidence
The animals will attack you
It's their nature and they know it

Like us when we are weak
We will be bullied every day
You see it in schools
You see it in the work place

We must have the confidence
Even in the extreme situation
Believe in your ability
Stay on course there will be changes”

The boat docks at the jetty
The woman climbs out
She walks a few steps
Turn around “thank you uncle”

Then she sees the boat disappears
Into the sunset mist the boatman is gone
She is surprise and rushing down the steps
She stands there for a long time..

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