Friday, January 25, 2013

the hired killers

The hired killers
They strike and disappear
The news will come
In the late morning
Somebody falls from life
It has been around
For a long time now
Yet we don't hear the police
Catching the hired killers
It happens in the North
It happens in the city
It happens in the South
The hired killers
How they get the guns and bullets?
What's the special branch doing?
The underground detectives can't see
The hired killers come and disappear
When the job is done
Money is paid nothing to discuss
Maybe they follow the film script
The hit transmitted through internet
The target and money banked into accounts
Nothing is asked nothing is exchanged
Only it is the coordinator who arranges it
The hired killers
Why the police can't find them?
Through the years
Maybe they don't work hard enough

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