Monday, March 03, 2014

the wrong focus

Too many graduates
Too few jobs to play around
The employment opportunities
For the graduates are few

The Amno ministers will say
They are many to grab in the market
Tell the graduates why they don't go?
The years of study working in construction?

On the manual jobs are plenty
Common sense will say why study in universities?
When they graduate doing manual jobs?
The graduates will rather wait and be jobless

Amno government can't employ
The civil servants are stretching the balloon
The last count reported is 1.4 million
It is rather too much to sink the teeth

What Amno leaders do?
Finding ways to bring down one man
They will try every hook in the book
Anwar Ibrahim is still standing on the stage

That kind of energy and money wastage
It is better used to think of ways to get the graduates employed
It is a waste of human capital leaving them waiting
For once focus on the country and economy

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