Tuesday, June 20, 2017

the tides

I watch the tides it makes the sound
I watch the dance in my eyes as I look the patterns
It takes me back to the sandy beach once I stayed
Listening to the waves whispering sweet nothing

I feel the wind brushing on my face
It tells me there is nothing to be afraid
Leaving it all behind leaving all in memories
It's the sign of a life once the years have gone by

I watch the sunset deepening to the horizon
Glowing with radiant colours capturing my eyes
As I watch the tides flowing to touch the shore
Lashing it out with a loud noise saying it isn't goodbye

I watch the memories in the waves
I wonder how many stories it has kept in the flow
Every where the current takes it along
Lending its ears whispering sweet nothing

As I walk away from the beach I take a second look
The evening sunset of radiant rays on the sky
The rolling waves rising up and hit the shore lines
You don't forget me I am everywhere”

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