Tuesday, November 07, 2017

the old age we will face

The golden age we will face
One day a time we will live it
Some are lucky the children take care
Others aren't as they watch their twilight lives
Living on the streets or old folks homes

Sometimes it is said of our karma
How we treat the children as they grow up
When love isn't planted in their minds
The children will not show back compassion
They will think it isn't their responsibility
The old folks have to feed themselves

Some parents will give all they have
Monies, homes and valuables
Believing the children will not abandone them
When the golden age comes to take its toll
They will be surprise in their later years of life
The children will send them to the old folks homes
Leaving them like a life sentence
They will come visit occasionally
Through the years they will not come anymore
The parents have to take care of themselves
In the old folks homes

It is always best to keep some
A home and an income to keep living
Old age has its problems through the years
Just enjoy the time and days with a smile
When it's time to go leave without regrets

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