Saturday, August 19, 2023

paradise is avoiding the 7 sins


The religious extremists

Riding high in the sky

Dreaming of their control

Using religion as a cause

The narrow minded people

Thinking it is a game with “me or out”

Never understand the concept as a whole

Living with a multiracial and multireligious arena

The rural folks

They rather stay poor

While extremists exploited them

They don't see it that way

The rural folks behave

They can survive on religion

Going to paradise will be a breeze

They will get a shock stop by the gatekeeper

They are born to learn and earn

Make mistakes change the course of their lives

They shouldn't be cowed by the extremists

They allowed themselves to be used and discarded

Paradise for those willing to work for it

By doing the good deeds and compassionate

It isn't for those who committed the 7 sins

They aren't welcome at the gate of paradise

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