Saturday, March 23, 2024

pee hedge leaders don't wait


The wolves

Still never learn

Still harping on 2R

Enough has been written

Instead of closing it

The wolves keep on talking

In the unity government they share

The nation comes first to progress

It seems the senior wolves

Allowing their junior chief to talk badly

Branding his style forgetting his upbringing

Shouting like there is no tomorrow

Maybe it is a tradition of the youth wing

Causing friction in unity

On the ground the wolves will lose

In GE16 the voters will not forget

Many have hope

The wolves will change joining unity government

As the power creeps into their heads

They forget where they stand

Since the senior wolves refuse to listen

Caging the youth chief for causing bad frame

He will be the cause of the fall of the wolf party

In GE16 the party may be wiped out badly

Pee Hedge leaders don't wait

Look for alternative partnership

Eyeing in the GE16 election

The wolves just never learn their lessons

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