Saturday, August 03, 2024

it's in the circle


If a leader plays by guns and bullets

Intimidation of fear of death in general

The outcome will set the course

The circle will hit back with similar effect

There is no need to feel sorrow or pain

A leader will know how it will become

If a leader fights for his belief by guns and bullets

The outcome will happen in the circle

It is better play with words

Let negotiation bring fruition to a cause

Causing no loss of lives but words to conclude

It is the better way to seek a peaceful living

Following blindly on religion

God plays to his maximum

The words of good and evil

He plays out his game with interest

He gifts any leader with brain

Able to find the reasons and object

He isn't interested with blind leaders

This is why we see evil leaders in our lives

A leader should recognize his worth

Not by guns and bullets to show his class

It is by words of caring and compassion

Saving lives show the good way of joy

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