Friday, August 02, 2024

the new rule to stifle growth of the minds


The mind must be sincere

If it wants to solve problems or issues

It mustn't be clouded by lies or half truths

It will cause more pain and sorrow

We find it a lot with politicians

They can make it up as they get along

They don't need write up or speech writers

It is a game they are well verse with it

They recognize the score

They have 5 years or less to make the cut

This is why frogs would jump from pond to pond

They want to enrich quickly in the short time

It's the power game

Crafting laws or rules to stifle progress

They will talk a lot on campaigns

Back in power something else happens

As can be seen now

The promises in the back pockets

New rules to stifle growth of the minds

The anger will rise if it never changes

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