Friday, January 03, 2025

lack of confidence


A race lack of confidence

Even they have all the protection

Yet they still cry like babies on the street

What do they really want?

They can't see the world

They have to work hard for it

Why waste time protesting?

The adults and old men

They shouldn't get fooled

By the greedy politicians

They want power and benefits

What will the protestors get?

They will get allowances

Carrying placards and shouting

They think they do a nation a favor

The nation feels shame with their behavior

A race lack of confidence

They should do themselves a favor

Work hard for the nation progress

Not on their bad antics bringing shame

the dark side


The dark side

Nobody can say

It can't be seen

It will be our imagination

The dark world

The seers will say

Coming in their predictions

Causing concerned to all of us

The dark blue

It will capture our fear

Living in it as we struggle

To find if there is a truth?

Though many will go on

Living as they will normally do

The dark side

They will not care the outcome

The dark side

Live in the moments

Tomorrow is nobody knowing

Enjoy the paradise while we can

the nation will progress


This nation will progress

The statistics will show her intensity

She isn't going to be left behind

She has to jump higher

She knows she has to play catch up

Because of the past bad political situations

Now running for the AI road map

She will gear herself to the progress ahead

The economy of her basic foundations will grow

Raising her profile in the world stage

It will seem she get her act on the growth phrase

Now it is the political situation

Renaissance man should pay attention on economy

He shouldn't play his racial card on 2R

He has to put his religious sentiments aside

He should know how to play his game

The stability has returned after the past mistakes

He shouldn't jump to defend outsiders like Hamas

He has to defend on his home progress on unity

This is the situation now

Unity to stay on the economy progress

He shouldn't allow religious extremists to grow

The crocodiles are the ones he should pay attention

They aren't clever in their religion rhetoric

It is only for their own political lust to power

A sin they will have to pay now and hereafter

But do they realize it at all?

The country will progress

On the road map to the world stage

Renaissance man mustn't forget his role

The nation of people will show the support

If he understands on unity and growth

the immigration law


The immigration law

To control border issues

But it is the real reason?

It is about making money

Most countries have introduced measures

The countries will site on border issues

Though the countries will welcome tourists

But with stringent measures for Visa applications

The ringing bell on financial wealth

Imposing a fee for ETA application on line

Looking at it that is the real reason

The bad elements still can get through

This country too started to implement

The Visa application strict measures introduced

The tourists still will come but planning needed in advance

No more adhoc jumping to go destinations

Some countries will ban citizens from traveling

The countries they wish to go for holidays

It is because of political hit-back against each other

The citizens will suffer for the political feud

Thursday, January 02, 2025

the wolves heyday has gone


The wolves

Its heyday has gone

Lost in GE14 and GE15

They should realize it

Yet PH gave them a life support

Formed in the unity government

They could breathe easy for now

But they don't appreciate it

The wolves still dig at the Rocket

They even try to talk bad about it

They should instead stay in unity

But no they still can't accept the fact

The Rocket leaders have to decide

Renaissance man moving towards 2R

Leaving the core supporters angry

The Rocket leaders must recognize the grouses

The wolves

Supporting the convict

They will fall badly in GE16

PH should move independently

disunity is the crocodiles


The crocodiles

The police should act on them

They will try to disunite the people

All for their political sake

Mad Ani shouldn't stay quiet

He should act fair and square

He shouldn't try to curry favor

He will be lost eventuality

So many times he keeps his silence

He is so afraid to displease his own race

He should be bold for the Secular nation

Otherwise he isn't good to hold his post

Claim of majority in the nation

Yet the heart and mind are weak

They can't see anything to offend their faith

They will run crying badly to the police

Mad Ani shouldn't stay quiet

The crocodiles and their ilk should be in chained

Teach them to learn the diversity of the nation

It isn't for a race but all races living in it

the eerie predictions


The eerie predictions

The seers of long ago

Telling us their visions

Of what will happen

Mother Earth may go

We live on borrowed time

We shouldn't waste our lives

Go and multiply

The big impact from space

Hitting Mother Earth to explosion

We read about it on waste particles

Floating in outer space

The red color attacks

Russia is doing in Europe

Maybe it could be China

Venting her anger to the world

The world war 3 seems possible

With the tension rising in our times

Russia in Europe, China and US

Israel and Middle East, China and Taiwan

The assassination on leaders

Donald Trump could be the target

He escaped his death but it isn't over

He still shows his arrogance

The political situation will be hot

People should stay alert and watch

Don't leave everything undone

Go and multiply; get the fun

the Old Man's curse


The Old Man's curse

The majority race suffers in long term

The wealth of the nation wasn't distributed fairly

His family members, friends and cronies gained the lot

The first prime minister warned about him

He said this man could destroy the nation

Tunku's warning came to light

The Malay race weak in pushing forward

They want to live on subsidies and handouts

They can't push themselves to work for it

They want the easy way to start their living

In the end they fall behind in their lives

Renaissance man can break the curse

If only he doesn't walk backwards

He was involved in the Old Man's curse

He had the knowledge and experience in it

Now Renaissance man has to stand out

He can deliver on his promises to the voters

Though he still talks a lot but delivery poor

He has to hurry to get his promises done

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

PH hunters


The wolves

Chain them to the dungeon

Let them howl like crazy

Until they realize mistakes

Don't give them leeway

They will not appreciate the kind gesture

They will turn around and bite

When the bad moon rising in the sky

PH hunters should recognize the symptoms

They shouldn't turn blind eyes to the wolves

The decades of clashing with each other

There is still no holding the truce

PH hunters must be prepared

The wolves have gone crazy in their minds

A convicted felon they will fight for his freedom

But millions they hardly say a word!

He has another case of billions

Now he is sharing his Arabian tales

PH hunters know the story

Don't let the wolves go overboard

The wolves

Chain them to the dungeon

Else they will run amok

Causing issues headaches for the nation

a shame for the nation


Rally for a convict

What has gone wrong?

With his race thinking?

Supporting a felon

He stole

He should pay

The judges found him guilty

What's more to say?

Only the fools

Educated but blinded

They aren't free from sins

They will be bound to it

Rally for a convict

A shame for the nation

The educated become blind

They can't understand words

what's new renaissance man?


What's new Renaissance man?

Don't give us the old bad ways again

Be aware of the wolves

Now they howl like the bad moon

Be aware of the crocodiles

They want to turn the nation in religion

Know the moos

They have the skin of the wolves

Know yourself

What game you want to play?

This is the year

You mustn't do wrong again

You need to march forward

No more walking backwards

What's new Renaissance man?

The old game or painted colors?

it is better to build intensity


Many will try

Writing resolutions to live by

Believing it can be achieved

By the year is out

Give or take a week

The old habit will sink in

The resolutions will be forgotten

As work and commitments take the cue

Don't do any resolution

It is a waste of time to think and write it down

It looks so good on paper

Slowly it will be forgotten

It is better to build intensity

You do it on the go and make or learn it

It will make you a better person

Finding way to realize your needs

Don't plan for resolution

It will look good on paper

A little while it will be forgotten

Time is not within our control