Sunday, July 10, 2005

other crazy thought 9

The parables of the two sons

It is the deepest meaning

Not only on love your neighbors

It goes beyond

The stage of greater things

The countries earned its blessings

The children of the Lord of Host

The 12 tribes so they go

To the gates that they are told

Nourishing, praying, teaching

The true religion of the Lord

The bounties of the children

On stages on the appointed times

So the work of the Lord

It comes with the glorified fire

One gone to Britain

Conquered the world

Built colonies for the Empire

The wealth of nations

So this nation inherited

Then the decline

The lost of power

The lost of control

Preaching the wrong roads

Forget the true religion of the Lord

One God one religion

Yet there is still a semblance of control

Under the Commonwealth of Nations

The grouping is strong

As the Lord of Host wants it to be

For the prophecy to arrive

As written in the holy texts

To put religion of His Lordship

On the right of the peoples’ minds

So this son felt the jealousy

When the wayward son got his inheritance

The slaves of the British Empire

Roared into power and wealth

Become the Supreme Ruler

The world ever seen

When the British Empire decline in stages

Through the centuries until the 2nd World War

The Americans as the other son of the lineage

Blossomed into the world stage

With the fire power none can dispute

The world felt the tremor

For a country late in the equation

Yet the Americans came into view

As the glorious brother so he was told

Many stories of years ago

O she rules the world

The oceans, the seas and land

The eyes of fire

The tongue of lashing

The people of other nations

Bowed and respected her glory

Yet the unthinkable happened

The slow progress of destruction comes

Into her heart it melts

The conduit of unbelievable sins

It lays bare the destruction for the world to see

The Americans lose the battle field

The fire ignites the glow

The thunderstorm keep brewing in the horizon

The tornadoes and hurricanes lashing her coasts

The sinful populace rings in the sky

The floods and earthquakes will swallow them

As other nations watch with tearful eyes

As the Lord has promised

Wages of sin is death

The parables of the sons

They forgot their inheritance

The laws of their own fathers

The damnation comes

As the night thief takes away

Through the night!

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