Thursday, November 30, 2006

know one's weaknesses dont give excuses

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Public figures especially those in politics should be mindful of what they do in their private lives. When as leaders of the society they should perform their duties without any personal fallout or get entangle in personal affairs. Days of trying to conduct secret tryst have long gone. Leaders should recognize it and not trying to blame the press or the sick mind of the people destroying their lives. You are in the posititon because you wanted to enjoy the perks of 'tuan sini tuan sana' so people expectations are very high in the moral standards of these leaders. One of course can't say as a human being one isnt perfect....It is the conduct and integrity itself which every one could accomplish it. It doesnt need perfection...I dont believe in perfection unless one is a God otherwise one should recognize one own weaklings..Now UMNO leaders who have fallen on the integrity see what the leaders want to do.

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