Saturday, December 06, 2008


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By savetthestage on Flickr

The dark lonely streets
Alleys to frighten souls
The dark shadows creeping
You never know

What lies ahead?
Of the dark shadows
Dim lights serenading breeze
Dull your mind as you walk
Amongst the dark shadows
You think you know it well

Police says don’t worry
They aren’t there why tell?
Catching the innocents
The real culprits they close one eye

In the darkness fall
Don’t play hero to walk alone
Drug addicts, jobless people
Thieves and robbers roam

Hungry souls to feed
Catching the innocents
About tragedies nothing to say
The law of survival takes shape

Our police
Always say not enough officers
It has been years listening to it
So they don’t work hard
They walk lazily………

The dark lonely streets
Poor souls no choice but to walk through
Praying every night there is goodness
Spreading it out to shape our lives

Today I found pieces of glass of cocacola bottle
Spreading it out in my compound
I have no enemy I am new to this town
It leaves with a question in my mind

The dark lonely streets
You never know what lies ahead
Stay alert and eyes wide
Listen to any sound
You never know

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