Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the Constitution

Constitution makes it works
Of lives of the people living here
Let the groundworks say it all
Don't let a leader squandered away

Constitution makes years gone
Written up laid out to guide the nation
Yet there are instances of face off
It makes the people staring at the unfairness

Constitution changes are made
With 2/3 majority parliament can amend
To satisfy a party needs to control
The people mustn't let it happens

Over 650 amendments reported
Passing laws under the Emergency regulations
Though in the Constitution it is illegal.........
Not when it is under Emergency laws

Constitution plays the tune
A party leaders change its words
Telling lies for its own survival
The voters should wake up now

Before all are gone
Leaving us with crumbs
The hollowness of darkness and despair
The Constitution must be protected

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