Saturday, July 09, 2011

the little birdie flew 3

The little birdie flew
On a low flight over the concrete fence
Hanging beside it resting to focus its bearing
It looked around trying to see

Which way it has to fly?
I watched it mindful of the stray cats
Slowly it brought its wings and a lift off
It flew low reaching the low branches of tree

There I watched the little birdie
The freedom it tweeted many days
Hanging on a dead branch tweeting
The parenting birds didn't fly in

A brown big bird came
Looking to the sound eyes searching
The little birdie kept quiet for a while
Until the predator flew away

It chirped again
Calling for its parenting birds
They finally appeared
Bringing food to feed

At this hour
I still hear the little birdie chirped
Roughly around the same place
Never fly up to higher tree

Will it survive?
At low ground in the open
Unless the stray cats never hear
It may live parenting birds watch

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