Friday, November 11, 2011

it is a test of faith

You say you love me
You promise me heaven
You promise the world
When I say I am part of LGTB
You turn around and run away
You label me names
You suddenly turn around
Leave the love on the ground
It is so sad you don't understand
What is love in your mind?
You get yourself blind
Of other kind walking around you
You pray many times
Yet in everyday life
You don't practice the talk
You hide it with a straight face
You don't understand
The feeling of the minority
Leaving in fear of their shadows
They are part of the human race
You forget it is a test of faith

You say you love me
You ask God for love and forgiveness
When the prayer is over
You never walk the talk
You hide it in your religion
You join the wagon brewing hatred
Leaving a poor taste in your mouth
The mind full of sins
Yet you think you can go to paradise
When you have sinned in your way

You don't understand
The feeling of the minority
Leaving in fear of their shadows
They are part of the human race
You forget it is test of faith

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