Wednesday, May 23, 2012

the long road to redemption

Am Ci A

The blowing horn in its pride

The Chinese know where to get the money

They know its leaders wanted to brag

The Chinese looking for retribution

Am Ci A has lost the fight for them

The Chinese education and Chinese benefits

It has been taken right in its watch

When the Chinese want help

They look for the rich towkays

In Am Ci A there are many

Dishing out alms to repay for its sins

How many times the Chinese get the blame?

Am Ci A hardly tick off the ruling regime

Its leaders just keep quiet and try to divert issues

When its leaders brag, the sinking hole has begun

Now Am Ci A leaders brag

In the villagers to tell the long tales

No doubt its leaders giving out money

For they want to stay on to join the gravy train

The Chinese wake up long ago

They know where to find the change

Am Ci A will be buried in history

For its sins are hard to forget

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