Saturday, December 29, 2012

don't marry too young

Don't marry too young
You don't get the joy
When years take its maturity
The eyes will see

The mind will rebel
When the changes seen
The young bride will regret
Settling too early in her life

Don't marry too young
Don't worry about love in your life
There is time to learn and develop
In the learning curves

Don't tie your life in chain
Of matrimony when you aren't ready
So don't marry too young
Settling too early in your life

don't marry too young

A teenaged wife died
She married at 17 years of age
In June she was
How she was knocked to die

Neighbours heard of angry voices
Neighbours saw of men arguing
She was caught in between of the two
She knocked down and dragged into her room

It was said of green eyes
The rearing ugly motive came
The ulterior motive became
A young wife died

Don't marry too young
The taste of life just begins
Learn the life's journey
It isn't rosy light and magic

Don't marry too young
Young girls shouldn't force into it
Let them learn and mature
Love will come when it is right time

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