Tuesday, September 09, 2014

the score on the board

The dark knight hides
In his castle on top of the hill
Standing by the window
He watches the flow of lights

The howling in the forest
He doesn't want to know
He lets his men to worry
He feels he is safe up on the hill

The moon bright light
He can see the shapes in the forest
The beasts walking nearer to the wall
The ugly faces and hairy bodies

He drinks his red wine
Saluting it to the moon
Let them come in the open
The demon beasts will be slaughtered”

The half beasts half humans
Running away back to the forest
When they hear the chanting of scriptures
Hurting ears, bodies and souls

The dark knight watches
Eyes of light smile on his face
The arrows flying high
Dropping on the demon beasts

His merry men shouting
In the dim light of the moon
The high priest and his men
The chanting ringing into the night

The dark knight stands alone
Watching the scenes in his eyes
Fools are the beasts
They are the score for us to kill”

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