Friday, November 04, 2016

the ringing bell

The ringing bell
Loudly in the air
Nobody comes to pick it up
It seems an emptiness
The ringing tone ringing
Waking up the ghosts
Even that nobody arrives
It is as empty as a haunted house

The people passing by
Listening to the ringing bell
They watch and hope
Something has to be done
They don't like the ringing tone
It disturbs their daily routines
It tells of something brewing

The blues passing parade
Motorbikes and cars cruising by
Sometimes they stop and watch
No action nothing to report
They don't want to get involved
Let the ringing bell sing in the air
It is as empty as a haunted house

The crooks take on the loot
Everything in sight and escape
Nobody will care to report
Only the red on the door
It's our right so get lost!”
The people only whisper
The day will come
Judgement will be delivered!”

The ringing tone ringing
In the air for all to hear
Nobody makes a move
Afraid of the ghosts
In the haunted house in the corridor

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