Tuesday, April 18, 2017

no double standard please

People born here
Live and pay taxes for decades
Yet they can't get their PR or citizenship
They find it hard to get through the gate

Some have grown old
They become grandparents
They only wish to get into the main stream
As Malaysians on the land of their birth

But they find it difficult
Every application rejected quite often
Some have gone through political leaders
The ruling still comes back empty

Now we have a Muslim preacher from India
He could get his PR here so quickly!
Because he is a Muslim preacher?
He is wanted back home in India

Why must we support him?
He only brings shame to us again
As if we don't have enough scandals
We must kick out Bee Anne!

This Indian Muslim preacher
He must be deported to face his music
His home country wants him back
Even many countries have barred him

Our chance will come
The cycle of 60 years will be gone
The change for the better
The shine the nation needs

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