Tuesday, April 11, 2017

the missing persons

The priests and activists missing
In the broad daylight on the street
In the watchful eyes of CCTV
The daring scoop the men disappear

Days have gone by
The praying and crying in the chapels
Many will come together offering support
The police reports make the slow relay

The latest person to go missing
A Peter Chong an activist in the city
The police report lodged and waited
Will dead be found buried in remote jungle?

It is performed by a highly trained professionals
There is no demand of ransom or whatever
The priests and activists just scooped up and disappeared
The police aren't up in full gears

It has been days of those missing
There is still no clue of where to find
Many suspect it could be the professionals
Under orders to nap these priests and activists

We have the draconian laws
Catch the people put them in jail without trial
For those who disappeared it could be for a long haul
Until we truly change the government

Now safety is an issue
We must stay alert at all times
The police seem to fail in its duty
Protecting the citizens and the nation's image

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