Wednesday, August 23, 2017

pkr stops courting pas

PKR stops courting Pas
The green moon did you in
Yet you still want to beg?
You must be asking for it!

PKR has some principles
Do not forget the agenda
Pas has no way for PKR
Make the break and be damned!

Pas has gone to red and white
Its leaders can't sail with you
On the sea of white and blue
They can't net the green in their eyes

So PKR wake up and go
Don't let the people waste you off
Into the garbage bin like the red and white
And the green moon too

With Anwar in jail
PKR leaders have gone astray
They can't think straight
What they want in their struggles?

Wake up PKR
Don't court Pas
It will be the end
When you don't realize its tricks

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