Tuesday, August 15, 2017

the herd of bad dogs

Once he was powerful
Every member scared of him
He always wanted his way
Else you went the highway

He may have his faults
Those decades he was in power
He could do all his way
He might listen not necessary he would do

Time had passed
He had stepped down
Through the years
He couldn't stomach the wrong

The Old Man has returned
He can't let the bad go unpunished
Once the rats were afraid of him
Now they attacked him

For a simple reason
He can reach the village folks
This is where the current crop is afraid
He can do damage in politics

The Old Man goes back to basic
He isn't going to give up easily
He knows the score in his head
He is a master conductor

The present rats are worried
They get the paid thugs to do bad
But still the people have known
They can't deny the bad intentions

The Old Man has a score to settle
The students who have forgotten his advice
Now they come like a herd of bad dogs
Spreading wind of bad taste in the air

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