Sunday, July 12, 2020

will the bad rule?

Moo and his duplicitous traitors

The day has come to decide their fate

The line of battle will be drawn

The day of truth and recognition

Will the bad rule?

Will the light shine through?

The outcome will be known

When Parliament sits to decide

The wolves and crocodiles

They have a pact to decide

To stay and get second best?

Or they want to hold court?

The frogs and monkeys

The money faces and no principles

Will they spring a surprise?

Afraid of the after life?

Anwar and his coalition partners

Still harbouring to spring a surprise

Will it happen as the Old Man become independent?

Will Sabah and Sarawak declare support?

The day has come

The demons rule by back-door?

The saints finally makes their return?

Tomorrow will now the truth

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