Sunday, September 27, 2020

whoever the Governor picks


Whoever the Governor picks

The Sabah political stability is questionable

The Governor should pick who has commanded

The most seats in the concluded snap election

Bung will not become CM

He has his corruption in court

He will be ruled out as a candidate

The Governor may not pick him

If the Governor picks Hajiji

Amno baru gang may revolt

Some may jump over to Warisan

Boosting their wealth and positions

PBS and Star may not stay long

They will want to see what they get

Star has the advantage but why gave away?

It is again a fluid situation

Warisan still stays solid

Though it lost in the election

Warisan secured the most seats

In the snap state election

In this game of politics

The frogs will be hatching their plans

When will Moo decide to call a snap federal election?

It's an entrapment if he falls for it

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